Teresa tries to tell Fernando, that she invited to visit her partner, Leopoldo. Fernando seems he doesnt pay attention, but the truth is, he listens to Teresa.\r
Bernarda stays with Isabel in her hospital room. Nurses walks in and informs Bernarda, that doctor Villa wants to speak with her. Isabel feels, there are be bad .\r
Telenovela Manuela con Grecia Colmenares,Jorge Martínez y Gabriel Corrado. La verás sólo aqui. Más información sobre esta novela y sus protagonistas .\r
Doctor Pintos reproaches Victor, that he hired drug addicted Juanjo to be the contact in Salinas residence. Pintos orders Victor to search for and remeber Juanjo .
Bernarda stays with Isabel in her hospital room. Nurses walks in and informs Bernarda, that doctor Villa wants to speak with her. Isabel feels, there are be bad .\r
Telenovela Manuela con Grecia Colmenares,Jorge Martínez y Gabriel Corrado. La verás sólo aqui. Más información sobre esta novela y sus protagonistas .\r
Doctor Pintos reproaches Victor, that he hired drug addicted Juanjo to be the contact in Salinas residence. Pintos orders Victor to search for and remeber Juanjo .
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