The big creations, meaning the Prophets, and the small creations, meaning all other creations, are, in front of the Grandeur of Allaah, more disgraced than a cobbler. (Taqwiyatul Ieemaan, pg 14)
. Maa’z Allaah, Sumaa Maa’z Allaah [God Forbid God Forbid for such utterances!!!] Book Taqwiyatul leemaan, page 14.
Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
On the page 14 of the same book Taqwiyatul leemaan, here it is written in clear words:
Whether small or big every creation is lower and [in comparisons, lesser and Zaleel] than cobbler before the Great Majesty of Allaah Ta'alaa. [Ma’aazal’Laah summa Ma’aazal’Laah].
See this sentence here…… though clearly the Qur’aan e Paak says:
Wa Kana Indal laah Wajeehaa.
And to Allaah Ta'alaa the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is greatly magnificent.
Wa kaana Fazal al laah hie Alaikaa Azeemaa
And Allaah Ta'alaa has Bestowed Great blessings upon him.
Ma’aazal’laah, Sumaa Ma’aazal’laah. They are using the word cobbler for all big and small without any distinction.
Just imagine the extent of their disrespect for Ambiyaa, Auliyaa and the Muslims. Although Allaah Ta'alaa has bestowed honor to the descendants of Hazrat Aadam [Alaiehis Salaam]. They have just denied the Holy Qur’aan. The word Chammar is used for cobbler by some and others use it to show contempt for someone. And they[the Deobandi] say meaner [Lower Zaleel] than them, even though we all know that the Muslims believe that to Allaah Ta'alaa no one is ,more beloved and majestic [Shaan Waalay] like the Prophet (Peace be upon him).
But just check their belief [Aqeedah] how disrespectful and degrading they are, May Allaah Ta'alaa keep us away from them and save us from this belief [aqeedah]and believer like them.
The big creations, meaning the Prophets, and the small creations, meaning all other creations, are, in front of the Grandeur of Allaah, more disgraced than a cobbler. (Taqwiyatul Ieemaan, pg 14)
. Maa’z Allaah, Sumaa Maa’z Allaah [God Forbid God Forbid for such utterances!!!] Book Taqwiyatul leemaan, page 14.
Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
On the page 14 of the same book Taqwiyatul leemaan, here it is written in clear words:
Whether small or big every creation is lower and [in comparisons, lesser and Zaleel] than cobbler before the Great Majesty of Allaah Ta'alaa. [Ma’aazal’Laah summa Ma’aazal’Laah].
See this sentence here…… though clearly the Qur’aan e Paak says:
Wa Kana Indal laah Wajeehaa.
And to Allaah Ta'alaa the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is greatly magnificent.
Wa kaana Fazal al laah hie Alaikaa Azeemaa
And Allaah Ta'alaa has Bestowed Great blessings upon him.
Ma’aazal’laah, Sumaa Ma’aazal’laah. They are using the word cobbler for all big and small without any distinction.
Just imagine the extent of their disrespect for Ambiyaa, Auliyaa and the Muslims. Although Allaah Ta'alaa has bestowed honor to the descendants of Hazrat Aadam [Alaiehis Salaam]. They have just denied the Holy Qur’aan. The word Chammar is used for cobbler by some and others use it to show contempt for someone. And they[the Deobandi] say meaner [Lower Zaleel] than them, even though we all know that the Muslims believe that to Allaah Ta'alaa no one is ,more beloved and majestic [Shaan Waalay] like the Prophet (Peace be upon him).
But just check their belief [Aqeedah] how disrespectful and degrading they are, May Allaah Ta'alaa keep us away from them and save us from this belief [aqeedah]and believer like them.