• 9 years ago
Believe in Allaah alone, and do not believe in anyone except Him. (Taqwiyatul Ieemaan, pg 14)
Allamah Maulana Kaukab Noorani:
This is the reference of the same book “Taqwiyatul leemaan,” behold it is very clearly written that believe in no one except Allaah Ta'alaa. Every Prophet brought the message to believe no one except Allaah Ta'alaa. If you don’t believe in Prophets then how can you claim to believe Allaah, it is beyond my understanding, because the Prophets say that they are Allaah Ta'alaa’s creation and Allaah Ta'alaa sends HIS revelations to them. Until and unless one cannot believe in Risaalat, one cannot believe in Allaah Ta'alaa as we identify Allaah Ta'alaa through the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and before him other Ambiyaa helped to identify Allaah Ta'alaa. They say that believe only in Allaah Ta'alaa and no one else and they have written this sentence in the book for several times… you can see it.


