Yoga Class Opening III

  • 8 years ago
Here's another sample opening for starting your next Yoga session. Classes commonly start from standing, seated, or supine positions and sequences change depending on the needs of students and the time of year.

Yoga class options are infinite, but warm-ups are a good safety measure for preventing injuries and bringing your students' presence into the classroom.

How to Begin a Yoga Class

No matter what class a student takes, its beginning segment can set the tone for how much enjoyment and learning is derived each time. This is especially true when it comes to yoga, where relaxation and concentration are at the forefront for a teacher and students. Therefore, it's imperative for teachers to put a great amount of time into deciding just how they will begin their classes.

While some teachers choose to start their classes with a few moments of guided imagery, others prefer to focus on letting their students concentrate on specific breathing techniques. This allows students to let go of the day and all the stress associated with it both personally and professionally, while also letting the class settle down and begin to focus on the task at hand.

After sitting quietly and letting the stress disappear, teachers should guide their students through various deep breathing exercises. Inhaling joy and happiness, while exhaling stress and worry, allows students to feel empowered and gain confidence with each deep breath. Once this has helped set the tone, teachers can then begin to implement a mantra based on the teacher's beliefs. Most mantras used are ones that emphasize peace and tranquility rather than specific religious beliefs, which helps to ensure students with various religious beliefs will still be quite comfortable.

While all this is going on, the teacher can choose to walk through the class, pausing with each student to ensure all is well. But if they choose, teachers can also choose to sit quietly and begin to narrow their focus and concentration, knowing the responsibility that lies ahead of them. Because yoga is such an integral part of many people's lives, being able to help them relax in the first few moments of class will allow them to have not only a positive class experience, but also carry that positive energy out into the world.

By making sure the beginning of each class is a time for students to sit quietly and concentrate on themselves, yoga teachers can ensure their students will come away with yet another amazing yoga session.

So You Say You Want To Start A Yoga Class?

Yoga has become an integral part of more and more people’s lives. According to, the number of practitioners has nearly doubled, rising from 20.4 million in 2012 to a whopping 36.7 million in 2016. That’s an 80% increase, meaning more people are being influenced to turn their focus inward. From a teaching perspective, this is great news! As a collective awakening occurs, there is a shift that forces us to examine our lives, mentally and physically. This calls for more sanctuaries for practitioners to be able to go to feel centered. If you’re a yoga instructor, there are a few ways to ensure you have a well-established class.

Be Insured

Insurance costs are fairly low and is well worth the price. Plans range from $150-$250 dollars for basic liability insurance. A facility might have that covered, but you would be wise to protect yourself. Continuing education is also well worth the investment and many courses are geared toward student safety.

Be Present

You are light, and when people come into your class, they are looking for that light. Make sure to be completely present with your students to ensure a positive environment as well as a good eye for mistakes.

Know your Style

Make sure you are practicing regularly to give the students the full benefit of the instruction. This will not only be good for the practitioner, but for the studio and class as well. I’ve been in several classes where the teacher was filling in and, though the benefit was still great, it was lacking. Make sure you know your style.

With the number of yoga practitioners growing, there is no better time than now to open a class. The gift of yoga is being received and people are going to need more sacred space to practice. There are more and more studios opening up all over the place, so find a spot you really like and talk with them to see how to go about opening up your own class. Make sure to take all the appropriate steps and always shine your light!



Music Source : AudioBlocks
