72-year-old Aussie man fends off saltwater crocs as best friend drowns

  • 8 years ago
DARWIN, AUSTRALIA — Best friends, Noel Ramage and Ray McComber, both in their 70s, set out on a fun day of mud crabbing together on May 17. Unfortunately for the old fishermen, some salt water crocodiles came along and turned the carefree excursion into a tragedy.

In their 10-foot dinghy, the pair took to the mangrove-laden waters out in the city of Darwin, in northern Australia. Everything was going swimmingly until, out of nowhere, their little dinghy was rocked by a saltwater crocodile.

The little boat immediately capsized, sending the two old men overboard. Amid the fracas, Ramage found himself trapped underneath the overturned boat, drowning. By the time McComber got over to help, it was too late. His best friend had already perished.
In an effort to save himself, the 72-year-old tried to hide in the mangroves, but the crocs were on his tail.

The deadly salties chomping at the chance for a fresh meal, the old man knew he needed to reach into his bag of tricks if he was going to survive. Using a spanner from their boat, McComber smashed one of the crocs over the head, and used a flare and spark plugs to keep the rest at bay for as long as he could.

About three hours later, a boat of fellow crabbers drifted into the area, and saw McComber in a showdown with the gang of reptiles. They immediately bolted over toward the scene and scared the crocs away, allowing McComber to climb aboard to safety.

The heroic fishermen then gathered Noel's lifeless body from the water and headed back to shore to get help.

Just two weeks earlier, 75-year-old Noel Ramage had been diagnosed with cancer. He decided to go on this little excursion with his best friend to clear his head. Meanwhile, Ray McComber was treated for severe shock and exhaustion after being rescued.

Though he's since been released from hospital, reports indicate McComber hasn't yet been able to discuss the events that led to him losing to his best friend.


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