• 17 years ago
All of Me – Buck Clayton

In the early sixties when I still lived in the Netherlands I bought an LP of Sidney Bechet. This was a live concert recorded at the worldexposition in Bruxelles in 1958. The exposition was held again after an absence of some 18 years as a result of WW2 and its recovering years.. Bechet played there with a number of fine musicians. Buck Clayton trumpet, Vic Dickenson trombone, George Wein piano, Arvell Shaw bass and Kansas Fields drum.
This clip, after an introduction by Bechet, just features Buck Clayton (1911-1991) with the rhythm group.
This was the first tune that introduced me to Mr. Clayton and he has been one of my jazz playing heroes ever since. Especially his playing in All of Me stands out as a sample of swing. Buck started with an intriguing introduction before going into the regular melody. On other records I have heard him doing this again but not with the same spirit as in this recording from Belgium.

