• 9 years ago
While perusing some NASA-supplied Red Planet images, an alien hunter spotted what are being billed as liquid lakes surrounded by trees.

Efforts to land humans on Mars are ramping up, and based on a recent alien hunter discovery, those who take the trek may want to pack their swimsuits.
While perusing some NASA-supplied Red Planet images, WhatsUpInTheSky37, a channel on YouTube, spotted what are being billed as liquid lakes surrounded by trees, reports the Daily Mail. 
In breaking the news, the channel’s head honcho, Will Farrar, expressed his confusion over why NASA has yet to come upon even, "'minuscule' traces of life and water.” 
Many fellow alien hunters are responding favorably to the lake discovery, and some further suggest the waters are packed with fish and other aquatic creatures, notes the Daily Express. 
In the past, alien hunters have identified a bevy of largely inexplicable objects, including a large floating spoon, a giant mouse, and a handgun on the Red Planet.


