The Most Adorable Video Of Mountain Lion Kittens Released By Park Service

  • 8 years ago
Authorities with the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area have released video of some truly adorable mountain lion kittens.

Authorities with the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area have released video of some truly adorable mountain lion kittens. 
There are 5 little ones in total, all believed to be the offspring of the male known as P-38. 
Two of the babies, P-48 and P-49, were filmed while hanging out in some ground-level branches. 
Footage of the other three kittens - who have a different mother but equally unimaginative names - was recorded in rockier surroundings. 
Ranger Zach noted in a Facebook post that the new additions to the area’s mountain lion community are great news. 
He also expressed concern about the human-related challenges the kittens will face as they grow up.