New Study Confirms Hypertension Is The Top Stroke Risk Factor

  • 8 years ago
A new INTERSTROKE study performed by an international team of researchers has identified the top causes of stroke worldwide and deemed most instances as being preventable.

A new INTERSTROKE study performed by an international team of researchers analyzing nearly 27,000 people from every continent has identified the top causes of stroke worldwide and deemed most instances as being preventable. 
According to a press release, “To estimate the proportion of strokes caused by specific risk factors, the investigators calculated the population attributable risk (PAR) for each factor.” 
That risk, or PAR, is, “…an estimate of the overall disease burden that could be reduced if an individual risk factor were eliminated.” 
Hypertension remains the top trigger, with a PAR of just under 48%. 
Physical inactivity was estimated at nearly 36% and poor diet at roughly 23%. 
Obesity and smoking also came in high, at about 18.5% and 12.5%, respectively. 
Other notable factors included cardiac causes, diabetes, alcohol consumption, and stress.
While there were variations by region, combined, the top factors accounted for 90% of all stroke risks.
The team says their study will aid in establishing prevention guidelines and strategies.