• 9 years ago
Arcturian Group Message September 11, 2016. Source: http://operationdisclosure.blogspot.com/2016/09/arcturian-group-message-september-11.html

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Greetings dear ones on this day that commemorates an event so many still remember and mourn. Know that nothing happens for naught and that those whose physical bodies perished, chose pre-birth to be a part of some event that would help to awaken others. No one ever dies, although their coming home so suddenly created tremendous grief and loss for loved ones left behind.

These dear ones chose to serve in this way for the purpose of helping to awaken a complacent and somewhat “protected” society to the horror and pain that violence causes as well as to open those sleeping eyes to many heretofore hidden issues. This event was an important lesson for the country of USA which has often under the guise of “actions necessary for peace” and righteous protection, brought about this same suffering to others.

The event called 911 brought forth a new and higher awareness of the meaning of peace, of oneness, and how violence even when far away and out of sight never brings about peace back home, for there is no “far away” and there is no us versus them, there is only ONE.

Peace is an evolved state of consciousness, and thus can and will never come through third dimensional thinking, plotting, planning, and scheming. Real peace can only come about when the substance of it, a consciousness of peace, is present to manifest outwardly as peace.

Peace is your job as Light workers. You are awake and thus carry the Light of Oneness with you into every situation of daily living–the awareness of Source as being the only power, only presence and only reality present within every person. Too many still sit back waiting for others to make peace. In spite of good intentions (there are a few leaders who do understand this), true peace cannot manifest outwardly without the substance necessary to form it–a consciousness of peace.

Many “leaders” as well as individuals pretend to want peace while acting out from a consciousness of violence in order to achieve self serving and self righteous goals without care as to how many may be hurt in the process. They justify their actions by telling themselves and others that what they are doing is for the “good of mankind”. It is past time for “pretend peace” to end, for all involved to be honest with themselves, and for obsolete concepts of the past be allowed to dissolve into the nothingness that they are.

Many of the world’s so called actions for peace are not, but are simply three dimensional goals disguised in words of explanation that will cause the least resistance from the majority. However, the world is waking up and quickly becoming aware that the old ways no longer work. Promotion of and false information about peace efforts continue because there are those who profit from violence and war and will continue to promote the false as long as a sleeping society allows it.

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