• 9 years ago
This noble teaching on how to respond when faced with anger is placed in a mythical setting. The story is told by the Buddha of a great war between devas (gods) and asuras (demons)
that took place in ancient times.
The devas are ultimately victorious (as they are in the Greek and Norse versions of the same myth) and capture Vepacitti, the ruler of the asuras. Bound in chains, he is brought to Tavatimsa
and into the presence of Sakka, ruler of the gods.

Being the demon that he his, Vepacitti hurls a torrent of abuse
at his captor, calling him all sorts of insulting names
(the catalog of which in the commentary is most interesting).
Sakka, however, is unmoved, inspiring Matali, his charioteer,
to begin the following poetic exchange:

The poem is in the prevalent vatta meter, with eight syllables per line, and contains much subtle word-play. For example, the words bala (fool) and bala (strong) dance with one another throughout the piece (appearing fully 17 times), nowhere more intimately than in the frolicking alliteration of lines 31 and 32 (abalan-tam balam aahu yassa balaabalam balam). The linking of the word titikkhati (forbearance) with the similarly sounding tikicchati (healing)
is also a poignant touch that is hardly accidental.

This exchange shows well how the Buddha adapted the heroic ideals of his warrior's heritage to the inner struggle for self-mastery. The strength of the victorious Sakka lies in his wisdom and forbearance. The weakness of the vanquished asura comes from his lack of understanding (hence the label 'fool'), which renders him helpless to resist the passions raging within.

Though these verses were penned 2,500 years ago, the truth behind them is timeless. It is the same that has helped many non-violent social and political reform movements achieve dramatic results in our own century. Conquest is only the apparent victory of the short-sighted, while transformation of oneself and others is the more lasting victory of the wise.

When Technological and Ethical development are seriously imbalanced, Celestials are prepared to intervene even
if this results in an end to the civilization in question.
The Lotus Flower; a symbol of purity, of goodness.
It begins life inthe mud at the bottom of a pond
and rises to the the surface to blossom.
As such it symbolises the passage from darkness to light, the passage from ignorance to wisdom - it represents enlightenment.
