Researchers Find ‘Fat Gene’ Does Not Inhibit Weight Loss Efforts

  • 8 years ago
A recent study indicates the FTO gene, a variant linked to carrying excess pounds, does not impede weight loss efforts.

Extra pounds are easy to pack on, and that is especially true for those carrying the FTO gene, a variant found to increase the desire for lush foods and decrease the sensation of fullness. 
There is some great news for those affected, as the findings of a recent study indicate the gene does not impede weight loss efforts. 
An international team of researchers led by John Mathers of Newcastle University gathered data on over 9,500 overweight and obese individuals who had shed excess pounds through various combinations of diet, exercise, and drugs. 
Some carried the troublesome gene and some did not, but both groups experienced similar results. 
Mathers said, “We found no evidence at all that FTO genotype affected weight loss…carrying the high risk [form of the gene] makes you more likely to be a bit heavier but it shouldn’t prevent you from losing weight. That should encourage people.”