• 9 years ago
How was the story discovered if it wasn't published?
[] If I'm at Disney, I'm not wearing a watch. First question is really "how long until the 3 o'clock parade?" for me, at least.
[] This made me spit my coffee right as I was answering the phone (I work in a dispatch office) and I immediately hung up "on accident" out of shame.
[] So... Walmart?
[] ["Step up to red alert"

"Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb."] (https://youtu.be/Qa_gZ_7sdZg?t=1m25s)
[] It can, its not supposed to stretch a lot.
[] Where do you live? If you are in UK, changing your drinking habit to Café Nero can ease down a bit.
[] Those hands! Haha. Made my morning. Thanks.
[] Risky post. Could've gone either way. Looks like it broke upvote this time, Cotton.
[] Welcome to the frontpage, backpage.com scumbag.
[] I would have reported the nurse. This is the exact wrong way to approach the situation.

Not only would it put you on the defensive it would ensure that nothing changes.

Instead make a silent note to child services about 'bruising' which will never re-surface as long as no other notes ever re-appear.
[] Intelligence level: Murican. Fuck off for a weiner dog chubs
[] Ha my store inthe US says we should but I never do, I got shit to do I'm not gonna walk your ass over there like a parent leading a child
[] How am I supposed to take anything that goes on in this country seriously?
[] This is like saying "See, I can touch you, you are not safe."
[] There are worse, like there are worse fonts than comic sans but both are weirdly popular.
[] So little time.
[] Money buys you options
[] It's strange how both the megafauna in North America and Australia go extinct right around the time that humans arrive.
[] With us it was electricity, and we don't cut off someone's power unless they haven't paid in like two years. Even then there's all kinds of social schemes which pay most of their bill if they agree to pay just a little each month.

People think I have a hand hovering over the switch though. They make stuff up. One person went on and on about a slice of wedding cake that was the only thing he had left of his marriage. And if I cut the power it would go stale in the refrigerator and he would lose hope of getting her back and kill himself.

Another person went with 'Oh well my grandfather is on life support. if you cut us off you'll kill him. Making me answer the phone costs electricity so you're killing him faster. Now you know so if you call again it'll be premeditated murder.'

All I can do then is clarify that they can help their grandfather by agreeing to pay just a little. If they say no, I'll bluff and say that I can tell from their 'energy levels' that no life support machine is currently drawing power at that address. He admitted his grandfather had been moved to a hospital because they couldn't afford the electrical cost of keeping life support equipment in a house, which was my fault somehow, so I should feel bad and squash the bill so grandad could come home and spend his last days in a familiar place.
[] Land- Roach. You can decapitate it, irradiate it, cut it in half, and it will keep living.

Sea- Pistol Shrimp or Waterbear would be my bets.
[] Sweet baby jesus.
[] http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WhiteSheep
[] That trex is on a boatercycle



