• 9 years ago
Kenny Baker is the actor who portrayed R2D2. There is also that couple who have/had a reality TV show (the Roloffs, though I think they may have divorced). And because humans have fetishes there is a female little person in porn who works under the name "Bridget the Midget".
[] How do you propose that is dealt with? Should we take wealth from the UK and distribute it amongst all of the former empires former colonies?
[] She's dressed as COnsuela, the cleaning lady in Family Guy

As for the guy, he's just my friend dressed as himself.
[] What if it's locked?
[] I think it kind of depends on whether they've asked you to refer to them as something specific or if you just honestly don't know. There's a difference between disrespecting a specifix request and making an honest mistake.
[] It might be a joke, but I can guarantee i'll see the picture posted onto facebook by all the 'remainers' and be taken far more seriously by them than the commenters in this thread. Not that they'll listen to any contradicting facts anyway..
[] Replied to an email asking how he could email me something if he didn't have my email address
[] Thats worse than the degloving sub.
[] No, I was dumped on the pavement immediately after I was born, no contact with my parents or the hospital staff after that. I started work in the coal mines as a 1 year old, and now I run a hardressing business. You're a twat.
[] the fuck?
[] It also doesn't say how bad or how many teeth she had to begin with. If she'd already lost half her teeth to decay or damage, it's entirely plausible for a dentist back then to just say "fuck it" and recommend for them to all come out.
[] Yea the other one was in front of it...
[] for starters you could go get a job that pays at least minimum wage. Your hourly take home is 4.30. If you worked 40 a week at McDonald's your monthly take home would jump up to 1,160. I'm pretty sure McD's starts off at 8.25 though. You dont need an online job. You need a job that pays better. Either get on a full time FD or quit. Not every dream of yours is going to come true.
[] Yeah, that cat is abused.
[] It's just like immigration, just with more people. And guns.
[] My mom lives on Southside near Philips. They are using the schools in her neighborhood as evacuation shelters for people from the beaches. So I'm hoping that means her area doesn't get hit too hard.
[] They make white Americans feel guilty for treatment of blacks as well
[] Yes it does. When it works it works.
[] Why write the lyrics as if you're singing along?
[] hahahaha wow
[] "Hey guys I saw this on /r/gifs the other day, let me put a clever title and repost to /r/funny"
[] The guy who lit up a crack pipe with his crack whore when I drove a cab.

And the guy who had a girl shoot him up with heroin.
[] Home.
[] Tinnitus is in your head so all youd hear is the tinnitus
[] Work.
