
  • 8 years ago
[] What constitutes "a lot" of air travel? A lot of the good (good as in actually worth getting over a straight 1.5% or 2% cash back card) travel rewards cards have fees, but if you travel enough to actually use the rewards then the cards pay for themselves despite the annual fee.
[] They couldn't vote...
[] Britian has nothing to be sorry for. Pax Britannia brought order and civilizational to people in the world that had neither.
[] "I'm not triggered, you're triggered".
[] What do you expect, it's france.
[] I believe they have 9 bars.
[] It's just really stressful this month with the drought and all I am sad mainly because I have no clue what memes to invest in. On one hand we have the dumb but easily spread bear memes but in the other we got smart and clever sp00ky memes.

No one knows what the meme of the month is going to be and I am just having a lot of trouble trying to keep my emotions in.

Meme investing is a stressful job but I have to put food on my families table somehow. I dont know what to do this month it's just been a really hard time...
[] I sometimes wonder if I don't like expensive things because my wallet doesn't like them.
[] No, everything must close because it's a holiday.
[] Hey man. Congrats on getting out. Hope you have reentry resources available to you. Did the thought of the sweet, sweet karma train keep you going during the hard times?

Also, I'm interested to know how your perspective on the prison system may or may not have changed from before you did your time. What was your overall opinion of the inmate population? How well were your institutions managed? Have you had any unexpected barriers since getting out?

Congrats again on making it through and best of luck staying out.
[] she became the mother of my children and when we'll be able to buy a bigger stretch of land we will also have goats & chickens, and they'll have their own stable
[] Honestly, I don't care. It follows the same world. Call it fanfiction if you will. Good read though.
[] Thanks for your concern. I assure you, most of us are both proficient and fit, despite what you may see on your television. Way to stereotype, though!
[] I loved my S3, it was a great phone, but one day I was cycling with the phone in my front trouser pocket (like I did every day) and when I took it out afterwards, the display was shattered. Left me completely baffled. It survived drops on tiles, everything, but not this ride... :-( Maybe my keys were to blame, but still, it was strange.
[] We all did, buddy. We all did.

Come back to us roger.
[] Ah yes, the venerable WP-3D Orion... love those over-wing exhausts.
[] Trefoils are indeed delicious
[] This could also be very good news for fusion power. Fusion output goes up with the fourth power of the magnetic field, and higher fields also clamp down on troublesome plasma instabilities.

MIT's ARC reactor, for example, would use the same plasma physics as the big ITER project, but with new commercially-available superconducting tapes that let them get the same performance from a reactor ten times smaller and cheaper. The tapes also allow modular construction that makes the reactor easy to build and maintain.
[] Even if you have just porn of adult, you know that your daughter/son will grow up to be adult, too, right?

I mean just because I want to fuck a woman doesn't mean I will want to fuck my own daughter.
Just because he want to fuck a child, doesn't mean he will definitely want to fuck and will fuck his daughter.

Why do we allow men that watches porn to start family again?
[] Two thing (sighs internally)
[] I lost it at, "I'm free all month." Awesome description of snow.

Sounds like you were from Texas. I have the exact same position on snow. When it comes... holiday! We go out and explore the foreign wonderland with its new blanket of purity and after we've frozen our fingers off, we head inside for coffee, coco, hot apple cider, etc. We usually make chili that night. Then the next morning, she leaves!

Oh I want winter now...
[] Figuring out what to do :x
[] To be fair those things have never looked good on anyone