Directed by : Andy Byatt, Cyril Barbançon
Produced by : Ouragan Films
Genre: Documentary - Runtime: 1 h 22 min
French release: 08/06/2016
Production year: 2015
125 mph winds, 18 cyclones, 12 countries... Andy Byatt, Cyril Barbançon, and Jacqueline
Farmer teamed up with NASA and composer Yann Tiersen to bring this 3D experience to the screen. We literally travel to the eye of a hurricane, and this journey is incredible and frightening. It begins its tumultuous adventure in Senegal, in the form of a sandstorm. We follow it as it travels westward and crosses the Atlantic, lifting up ships and generating turbulent walls of water before crashing into a Caribbean jungle.
Mice, lizards, bats, frogs, horses, men, rivers, coral reefs... all bend beneath the force of this ever-increasing monsoon.
The hurricane seen from space, through the eyes of animals. The hurricane seen from the point of view of emergency services. The hurricane seen from the ground when it explodes and unleashes its fury against us.
With a gaze that goes from the divine to the terrestial, everything linked by the destructive but purifying force of Mother Nature, the hurricane radically changes the balance of things, but brings light as it does so.
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Produced by : Ouragan Films
Genre: Documentary - Runtime: 1 h 22 min
French release: 08/06/2016
Production year: 2015
125 mph winds, 18 cyclones, 12 countries... Andy Byatt, Cyril Barbançon, and Jacqueline
Farmer teamed up with NASA and composer Yann Tiersen to bring this 3D experience to the screen. We literally travel to the eye of a hurricane, and this journey is incredible and frightening. It begins its tumultuous adventure in Senegal, in the form of a sandstorm. We follow it as it travels westward and crosses the Atlantic, lifting up ships and generating turbulent walls of water before crashing into a Caribbean jungle.
Mice, lizards, bats, frogs, horses, men, rivers, coral reefs... all bend beneath the force of this ever-increasing monsoon.
The hurricane seen from space, through the eyes of animals. The hurricane seen from the point of view of emergency services. The hurricane seen from the ground when it explodes and unleashes its fury against us.
With a gaze that goes from the divine to the terrestial, everything linked by the destructive but purifying force of Mother Nature, the hurricane radically changes the balance of things, but brings light as it does so.
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