Set in Naples, Un Posto al Sole is a daytime drama series, and one of the most-watched television soaps in Italy, broadcast by Rai (the national public broadcasting company). The series began in 1996 and is still running.
In 2015, the series introduced a gay storyline, involving Sandro Ferri and Claudio Parenti, which ran for over 70 episodes until these characters were written out of the show.
In Part 2, the secret is out and Sandro has some explaining to do to his father. He comes out to his brother who offers some friendly advice. Sandro falls out with Claudio because he’s not yet ready to be seen as a couple in public.
In 2015, the series introduced a gay storyline, involving Sandro Ferri and Claudio Parenti, which ran for over 70 episodes until these characters were written out of the show.
In Part 2, the secret is out and Sandro has some explaining to do to his father. He comes out to his brother who offers some friendly advice. Sandro falls out with Claudio because he’s not yet ready to be seen as a couple in public.