Sean Hannity Admits He Used False Information In Asserting Obama Is Destined For Jail

  • 8 years ago
Sean Hannity admitted on Tuesday that he used false information in making his case that President Obama is destined for jail.

Sean Hannity admitted on Tuesday that he used false information in making his case that President Obama is destined for jail.
Earlier that day, during the radio broadcast of the 'Sean Hannity Show,' he used fake news that the president, the first lady, and Elizabeth Warren had scrubbed Hillary Clinton references from their Twitter feeds.
Following that announcement Hannity asserted, “Wow. That means they know it's huge. You know why? Because Obama's implicated! He's implicated here...You know what his legacy might be? Jail.”
The primary source of the information was 'Your News Wire,' a site known to often publish fake stories.
Over time, the story snowballed and eventually found its way to Hannity.
Upon learning he had used specious information to levy very real and aggressive attacks, Hannity wrote a statement of explanation to CNN Money.
It read, in part, “I received an e-mail LIVE ON THE AIR…I asked my producer on the air if it was true. She said it was. I also received a listener IM saying that they saw the same.”
He also posted to Twitter, "Correction. Live on radio I read a gateway pundit report that @MichelleObama had deleted mentions of HRC. And a listener said BHO and...Elizabeth Warren did same. Fact is they didn't. I humbly apologize. Live radio."