NYT: Aides Take Away Trump's Twitter Access

  • 8 years ago
The New York Times is claiming that Donald Trump’s aides have taken control of his Twitter account where he is known to express some controversial views.

Donald Trump’s team is now overseeing his tweets in order to keep him on message, according to a New York Times report.
The media outlet is claiming that “aides to Mr. Trump have finally wrested away the Twitter account that he used to colorfully — and often counterproductively — savage his rivals.” 
As an example, the piece notes that, at one point on Thursday, Trump was in his plane at an airport in Miami when he noticed Air Force One; he told his spokeswoman Hope Hicks that he wanted to tweet the message, “Why is he campaigning instead of creating jobs and fixing Obamacare?  Get back to work.”  She did end up posting his comments but not before ending them with the phrase “for the American people.” 
With 13 million followers of Donald Trump's Twitter account, it is a vital communications tool for the GOP nominee to get his message out.
However, the Hill states that Trump’s prior tweets “have been a regular source of headaches for his campaign...”
He has used the platform to share controversial thoughts about Mexico; the Khans, a gold star family; and former Miss Universe Alicia Machado.