The OA is a television drama series created by Brit Marling and Zal Batmanglij that is slated to debut on December 16, 2016 on Netflix. The first series will consist of eight one-hour episodes and will be produced by Plan B and Anonymous Content
Network: Netflix
Director: Zal Batmanglij
Genre: Drama
Program creators: Brit Marling, Zal Batmanglij
Executive producers: Brit Marling, Zal Batmanglij, Dede
Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner, Michael Sugar
Network: Netflix
Director: Zal Batmanglij
Genre: Drama
Program creators: Brit Marling, Zal Batmanglij
Executive producers: Brit Marling, Zal Batmanglij, Dede
Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner, Michael Sugar