Heathy Eating, The Secret to - Advanced Health Institute

  • 16 years ago
Friend me on MySpace http://www.myspace.com/psychtruth Healthy Eating, The Secret to - Advanced Health Institute. What to eat. Best foods to eat. About whole foods. Good nutrition is a secret to life and wellness. Tips for healthy eating. Wiki Whole Foods http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whole_Foods RADHlA is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist, C.C.N. She is also a Certified BioNutritional Analyst. She has a Ph.D. in pastoral counseling and a M.Ed. in nutrition. She is a professional member of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists, (I.A.A.C.N), and the American Naturopathic Medical Association (A.N.M.A.). Visit Radhia's Website at http://www.advancedhealthinstitute.com/ http://www.aimmd.com/ This video was produced by Psychetruth http://www.myspace.com/psychtruth http://www.youtube.com/psychetruth http://psychetruth.blogspot.com/ Psychetruth is empowered by TubeMogul http://www.tubemogul.com © Copyright 2008 Zoe Sofia. All Rights Reserved.
