Syria ceasefire comes into force

  • 8 years ago
A ceasefire deal between the Syrian regime and some 13 opposition rebel groups, has come into force. Russia and Turkey are to be guarantors to the agreement, which took effect from midnight local time (11pm CET).

Peace talks are to begin in Kazakhstan on January 18, if the truce holds.

Syria’s Foreign Minister, Walid al-Moallem, appeared hopeful.

“At the same time, there is a real chance to reach a political settlement to end the bloodshed and establish the future of the country,” he told reporters.

The Free Syrian Army (FSA), an opposition group backed by Turkey, said Syria’s future would not include current President Bashar al-Assad, whose regime has the support of Russia.

Spokesman Osama Abu Zaid added:
“This ceasefire covers the whole of Syria. At the same time this deal covers all groups of fighters in Syria in the field. During the talks, the Russian government guaranteed to us that they will keep the Syrian regime forces and their allies under control.”

After nearly six years of conflict in Syria, difficulties could lie ahead. Russia, which announced the ceasefire, labelled it “fragile,” while the FSA says it will retaliate against any violation of the agreement.
