• 8 years ago
好久沒唱的經典南拳時代歌曲又浮現了(但 Lara梁心頤小姐,能不能正經一點練歌啊)!而在替Lara彈奏,與她合唱的那位甜嗓才女到底是誰呢?妹妹娃娃正在執行一個超級神秘計畫當中,希望這個新影片系列可以很快與大家見面喔!先來看兩位美女認真彩排的花絮,期待一下吧~

What's this very familiar melody I hear? Although Lara seems to not be taking this rehearsal particularly seriously, her duet partner and guitarist sure is! Do you know who she is? Meiwa currently has a special project underway that we hope we can share with everyone soon! But for now, here's a behind-the-scenes look at the two girls' rehearsal together. So excited!


