• 8 years ago
喜歡「Where Do We Go」的朋友看過來!最近與樂器品牌Meitone合作推出烏克麗麗版本的 「Where Do We Go」讓Lara和妹娃們都驚喜不已!原來Where Do We Go有這麼多種的詮釋方式!其實Lara個人從以前就很喜歡烏克麗麗, 感謝Meitone品牌再讓Lara重溫烏克麗麗,製作出這麼舒服的Where Do We Go版本。

Yes, we have yet another version of Where Do We Go in store this week! Recently we worked with instrument brand Meitone to release an acoustic rendition of Lara’s #WhereDoWeGo. Lara has always been interested in the ukulele, but due to certain procrastination tendencies, she’s never had the chance to practice and show off her skills. Thank you Meitone for this opportunity, for without it we would never have known how soothing ‘Where Do We Go’ would sound! #WDWG


