Trump Yells ‘You Are Fake News’ At CNN Reporter

  • 7 years ago
During a Wednesday press conference, the exchange between the president-elect and a CNN reporter got a bit heated.

During a Wednesday press conference, the exchange between the president-elect and a CNN reporter got a bit heated, reports the Daily Caller. 
The back and forth was preceded by Trump targeting CNN for “going out of their way” to build up the unsubstantiated report that alleges Russia has compromising information about him. 
CNN’s Jim Acosta immediately shouted out, “Since you are attacking us, can you give us a question?”
Trump replied, “Not you…Your organization is terrible!” 
Undaunted, Acosta continued his attempts. 
Ultimately, Trump called him “rude” and said, “I’m not going to give you a question. You are fake news!” 
After the press conference, Acosta tweeted, "Fortunately ABC's Cecilia Vega asked my question about whether any Trump associates contacted Russians. Trump said no."