Brexit 'will bring down all of Europe', Marine Le Pen declares

  • 7 years ago
French National Front leader Marine Le Pen has said Brexit will trigger a domino affect which will bring down all of Europe.

Addressing a so called ‘‘counter summit’‘ of eurosceptic and far-right parties in Germany, the French presidential hopeful insisted that patriotism is the policy of the future.

She also predicted that 2017 would be the year Europe woke up, following the example of British and American voters.

“The first big blow struck against the old order, the thing that will set off the domino effect that will bring down all of Europe is Brexit, a sovereign nation has decided to by-pass a deal made between the powerful and decide its own destiny. The second blow didn’t take long: the election of Mr Trump as President of the United States, putting the supporters of neo-Liberalism in an even more difficult position.”

Le Pen’s comments were echoed by Dutch Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders.

Several hundred demonstrators have also gathered in the central western German city of Koblenz to protest against the far-right meeting which comes ahead of elections in France, Germany and The Netherlands this year.


