• 8 years ago
Wow, talk about movie magic! You’re looking at the face of Tilda Swinton!

The actress is on the set of a new movie, where she appears in heavy makeup… Apparently she’s taking on the role of an iconic party baron of the DDR East Germany during the Cold War.

We’re not sure, but whoever has done the makeup job for Tilda better get ready for their special effects Academy Award… Because in all honesty, there’s a slight chance that we’re actually just showing you an old man in Berlin, Germany.

Cause seriously, who can really tell?

We did get a clue that she’s filming Suspiria [spl1453935_027], her new film that does take place in Cold War era Germany, but Tilda is supposed to play a character named Madame Blanc, not an old guy, so… Sorry if that’s a huge spoiler.

Anyways check out how great prosthetics have become these days, it’s pretty amazing.


