• 3 years ago
The Shadowed Mind Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In 1988, South African filmmaker Cedric Sundström - whose underground short SUFFER LITTLE CHILDREN... had provoked global outrage and accolades - took a group of skilled actors to a disused railway warehouse in Pretoria to shoot the story of an unorthodox asylum for the sexually insane. With a semi-improvised script, a Roeg-meets-Argento style palette, and startling bursts of graphic violence and nudity, it was immediately banned by the government. It has remained virtually unseen - anywhere in the world - until now. Rufus Swart (DUST DEVIL), Adrienne Pearce (PURGATORY) and Simon Sabela (ZULU DAWN) star in this psycho-sexual shocker from the producer of STONE, now scanned uncut in 2K from the director's own 35mm print - the only film element in existence - and featuring a career-spanning interview with Sundström.