Disruptions in consumer behavior brought by digital developments. 16/03/17 La Défense. Conférence SKEMA

  • il y a 7 ans
Quand : Mardi 16 mai 2017, de 8h30 à 10h (accueil café dès 8h)

Lieu : SKEMA Business School, Campus de Paris La Défense, Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci

Thème : Disruptions in consumer behavior brought by digital developments

Les intervenants
Zakaria BABUTSIDZE, Professeur, SKEMA Business School
Témoignage de Jérôme FAUQUEMBERGUE, Directeur Innovation Adjoint de CDiscount

Animatrice : Valérie BLANCHOT COURTOIS, professeure affiliée, SKEMA Business School

Points abordés par les intervenants :

Modern developments in technology have reshaped the interaction between industry and consumers. An average consumer today interacts with many brands on a daily basis through multiple channels. Interaction among consumers has also become seamless thanks to digital advances.
These changes have made consumers overly demanding. They expect personalised products and services instantaneously. If produces fail to deliver, they risk the negative word-of-mouth that might be detrimental for business.
In this talk Zakaria BABUTSIDZE will discuss the implications of the disruption in consumer behavior for a wide range of businesses. He will concentrate on the development of artificial intelligence technologies that are vital for handling consumer interactions in real time.

En 2ème partie de la conférence, Jérôme FAUQUEMBERGUE, Directeur Innovation Adjoint de CDISCOUNT nous fera part de la façon dont CDISCOUNT, l’un des pionniers des pure players internet du ecommerce, filiale de Casino depuis 2000, intègre en continu les innovations digitales afin de toujours mieux répondre aux attentes de ses clients.

En savoir plus et s'inscrire : https://skemainnovationconnaissancedotfr.wordpress.com/2017/03/13/16052017-8h30-10h-paris-la-defense-disruptions-in-consumer-behavior-brought-by-digital-developments-29-petit-dejeuner-du-cycle-innovation-connaissance/
