I Love My President Though He Is A Psycho ep 4 - part a (Eng Sub)

  • 7 years ago
*A big thank you to eLily for proof reading and helping me translate the dialogues*
00:55I was forced to give medication to my sister
00:59meddled in the marriage between my husband and I
01:01confused my husband
01:03got him hospitalized
01:05lied to him so he would divorce me
01:08forbid me from seeing him
01:11without no other choice
01:13I asked my mother to give her medication
01:15to take her home
01:16so I can see my husband
01:19because I wasn't thinking clearly
01:21only now do I realized that what I did was wrong
01:25I'm sorry to my sister
01:27I never thought Xiao Nian would destroy her sister marriage
01:32ever since we we took her in, we treated both of them the same
01:37since she was young, she always love to take everything from Shi Di
01:39never treated Shi Di nicely
01:42we thought that since she is an orphan, we needed to go easy on her
01:45never thought
01:46but this time she went too far
01:48we can't keep letting her do the wrong thing
01:51she is also our daughter
02:02why is everyone here?
02:04kneel down
02:13from beginning to end
02:14I don't have a daughter like that
02:16when she was in college
02:18there was already a bad rumor about her
02:22she became the person who destroy the relationship of her sister
02:26you say
02:27she caused me to lose face
02:33I've always thought of you as my real sister
02:37I hope you will forgive me
02:40return my husband to me
02:43what kind of person would steal their sister's husband?
02:45so shameless
02:48don't you agree?
02:57you're actually the 3rd person that they're talking about?
02:59it's not me
03:01you're not the 3rd person?
03:02if you didn't steal her husband, why would she give you medication?
03:05that is...
03:06you both have the same parents
03:07why won't your parents help you but help only Xiao Di?
03:09that's because they framed me
03:11the Mu family already made a statement
03:13they said Qian Chu and and Shi Di won't get a divorce
03:15I already said
03:16Mu Qian Chu and Shi Di are so in love
03:18because of a 3rd person like you
03:21shameless, go away
03:23go go
03:24it's not me
03:25everyone come and see
03:27this is the 3rd person that Shi Di mentioned in her presscon
03:30she dared to say that Shi Di framed her
03:32she's so shameless
03:33put your hands down
03:34don't hide
03:38this homewrecker
04:06young master
04:08hurry and watch this
04:09what happened?
04:10so panicky
04:17what is happening?
04:20hurry and find where she is
04:52I'm not a 3rd person
04:57it's not me
05:44Xiao Nian
05:46are you okay?
05:48Xiao Nian, say something
05:51Xiao Nian
05:52say something
05:55Xiao Nian
05:57are you mute?
05:59young master
06:00I think that it's best to bring Miss Shi home first
06:03I think she need to see a psychiatrist
06:07hurry and call a psychiatrist to the house
06:47take her to the bathroom for to wash her up
06:50Miss Shi, please come with me
07:01get rid of the complaint on Shi Di
07:04I need to slowly punish the Shi family
07:06they made Xiao Nian like this
07:10there's no such thing as going to jail that easily
07:11yes, young master
07:26how is it?
07:30she doesn't have any reaction?
07:32yes, young master
07:33Miss Shi only follow my actions
07:35she doesn't display any reaction
07:36I already checked her body, Miss Shi doesn't have any physical injuries
07:39you can leave
07:57Xiao Nian
07:59open your mouth and talk
08:02if you want freedom
08:03I will give you freedom
08:05stop with the act
08:07stop scaring me, okay?
08:11young master, it's me
08:19young master, the psychiatrist is here
08:30Xiao Nian, don't be scared
08:32they are doctors
08:35they are here to help you
08:38don't be scared
08:56I didn't invite you guys to come here to chitchat
08:58what are the treatment options?
08:59how many days till she is okay again?
09:02Mr. Gong, please calm down a bit
09:04we already analyzed her
09:05the way Miss Shi is acting is actually very normal
09:07she just went through such a big ordeal like that
09:10she doesn't know where the fault is
09:11that's why she chose to hide
09:15now physically, it seems that she doesn't want to open her mouth and talk
09:19I want the treatment plan
09:21the treatment plan
09:22is to have a family member by her side
09:24take care of her and love her
09:27Miss Shi doesn't want to deal with the outside world right now
09:29that's why having a family member near her is the most important
09:32we need to slowly approach her
09:35talk and let her do anything that help her relax
09:37only then can we slowly help her get out of the shadow
09:40family member
09:42what family does she have anymore
09:46change the plan
09:48then find a person
09:50that she have trust in
09:51and can give her the feeling of security
09:53when we first came in, we noticed that
09:54Miss Shi have a lot of trust in you
09:56you can probably be the one to help her get out of the shadow
09:59the feeling of security?
10:02she can't avoid me fast enough
10:06Mr. Gong
10:07right now Miss Shi need someone that will always be by her side
10:11rumor is really scary
10:12she probably can't take all the pressure
10:16you're saying she might commit suicide?
10:18we didn't eliminate this possibility
10:45Xiao Nian, I will help you get better
10:50I won't allow you hurt yourself
12:20such a good sleep
12:26Xiao Nian, I can't sleep well when you're not near me
12:35Xiao Nian, are you waiting for me to wake up?
12:40don't be scared
12:41you're not even scared of me
12:43how can you let those rumors win over you?
12:45I'm next to you
12:47let's see who dare to frame you
12:51wake up and slander/yell at me
12:59from now on
13:01you will be my family
13:14Xiao Nian
13:15all those that have hurt you
13:17I won't let any of them get away
13:27you guys work faster
13:37young master
13:53hurry and bring out the dishes
13:54leave when you're finished
13:55yes, young master
14:00Xiao Nian, don't be scared
14:01they won't hurt you
14:07young master
14:08let me help her eat
14:10ever since you parted from her
14:12you never had a proper meal
14:15I'll feed her myself
14:19Xiao Nian
14:28Xiao Nian
14:29are you listening?
14:31if it's not the meals that you cook
14:33I don't want to eat them
14:36hurry and get better
14:38talk to me, even if it's just a sentence
14:40cook so I can eat
14:45I really want to eat the things that you cook
15:16here Xiao Nian
15:39Xiao Nian
15:41don't you always have an interest in my computer?
15:43always want it
15:45I will teach you how to hack
15:47I only need you to say one sentence right now
15:48I will teach you right away
15:59say something!
16:00young master
16:01speak more softly
16:04I'm already talking in a small voice
16:23do you want this?
16:26if you talk
16:28I will give it to you right away
16:30when I first gave it to you, you didn't take it
16:32so I threw it away
16:34but you picked it up and wore it around your neck
16:37because in your heart
16:39you care about me
17:11I don't believe
17:12I can't make her open her mouth
17:24Xiao Nian
17:25let's eat
17:29open your mouth
17:31Xiao Nian, let's eat
17:35Xiao Nian
17:48it's already been a week
17:51I already thought of all the ways
17:54I talk with you
17:56hire people to come and perform for you
17:59I even brought the person who first insulted you
18:03in front of you
18:04make them cry to the point of regret
18:07you never once open your mouth and talk
18:13should I go back to the very beginning?
18:19I would only bring your body back home
18:23I lost your soul
18:56Xiao Nian
18:57what do you want?
18:59you only need to open your mouth
19:00I guarantee I can do it for you
19:03don't let me live with a puppet
19:19Feng De
19:22young master
19:23who is the one that design this?
19:25throw this away
19:27yes, young master
19:33you like me this way, right?
19:39you still like me, right?
20:27maybe I'm not that person that can make you feel secure
20:37Qian Chu
20:39be careful
20:41don't bother about me
20:43where are you Qian Chu?
20:44you care that much about Mu Qian Chu?
20:49Qian Chu
20:56Shi Xiao Nian
20:57I will take you to the person you trust the most
21:51Shi Xiao Nian
21:54I can only take you up to here
21:57Mu Qian Chu
21:59has always lived here
22:05is it that only by being next to him
22:08that you will get better?
22:14go and find him
23:04even though I don't want to
23:06to see you in the arms of another man
24:55Shi Xiao Nian
24:56didn't I say to go and find Mu Qian Chu?
24:59why are you here all alone?
25:03if not for the fact that I was worried
25:05and turn around to find you
25:07would you just stand here all alone until tomorrow?
25:12did you really plan to stand outside the gate all night long?
25:33what do you mean by this?
25:37you want to be with me
25:40right, Shi Xiao Nian?
27:06I can't
27:07the doctor said that I can't touch you right now
27:12even though right now you are well-behaved and obedient
27:16I hope you can
27:19return to being the old Shi Xiao Nian
27:21dare to talk back to me, lively and lovable
27:26let's go
27:28I'll take you to blow dry your hair
28:17do you guys have any ideas yet?
28:20Mr. Gong
28:20Miss Shi became like this
28:22all because she is viewed as the 3rd person
28:25her adoptive parents and sister, close relatives
28:27nurtured her for 20 years
28:28then threw dirty water at her in the public eyes, framed her
28:31that why she is like this
28:32everyone also believe that she is indeed the 3rd person
28:36keep talking
28:38even though she is with Mr. Gong right now
28:40there is no one to threaten/hurt her
28:43but that pain is already caused
28:45it's like a little tumor
28:46that is growing bigger within her
28:48if we don't get rid of it
28:49then this tumor will forever be within Miss Shi
28:55how are we going to get rid of it?
28:57Miss Shi had to deal with the problem all by herself before
29:00the whole world was calling her names
29:01no one helped her
29:03she became a laughing stock, quietly stepped down
29:06no one held out a helping hand
29:09our treatment for her is hypnosis
29:12let her experience the event one more time
29:14you dare?
29:16what happened that day, I will never let her experience it a second time
29:20if we don't do it
29:21then the tumor within Miss Shi won't be destroyed
29:27and besides, at that time Miss Shi lost all hope
29:30we can hypnotize her one time
29:31create a hero, coming to save her
29:39keep talking
29:40as long as we find a good hypnotherapist
29:42recreate the scene from that time
29:44before she shut herself off
29:46comes a hero that she trust completely
29:50so even when she wakes up
29:52and find out that everything is fake
29:54after giving it much thought
29:55she won't be completely disappointed
29:58what is the success rate?
30:01this depends on how good the hypnotizing place is
30:03and if this hero
30:05if he is someone really important to Miss Shi
30:09then the success rate is more than 90%
30:12we used to have a lot successful experiment in the past
30:15I think we should try it
30:18a hero that she completely trust in
30:22that person is you Mr. Gong
30:24we have been studying and analyzing for days
30:26we found out that Miss Shi have a lot of trust in Mr. Gong
30:30if Miss Shi agree to this treatment
30:33I can predict that the success rate is very high
30:42Mr. Gong
30:45Mr. Gong
30:50if it's not that person that she trust the most, then what happen?
30:55then the treatment is a fail
30:57there is a possibility that this will cause her pain a second time
30:59and we can't use the same method on her twice
31:02to hypnotize her or not, Mr. Gong
31:04you decide
31:08what if I'm not the person she trust the most?
31:12is there another way?
31:14this is the fastest way already
31:17Miss Shi have the ability to wake herself up
31:19it's probably because her pain is too deep that she will forever doesn't want to deal with the outside world
31:29Mr. Gong, we believe we can try this treatment
31:32furthermore, Miss Shi really do trust you a lot
31:37there is no need for hypnotism
31:40Mr. Gong
31:41this is our best solution
31:43I said no need so there is no need
31:44I can't let her take the risk
