Military Drone Hits IS Locations in Old Mosul

  • 7 years ago
The Iraqi Federal Police released footage on April 29 it described as showing drones used to drop explosives targeting Islamic State fighters.Military drones killed at least 30 Islamic State fighters and destroyed 12 IS vehicles near Hadbaa minaret and the Grand Nuri al-Kabir Mosque in old Mosul on April 29, Iraqi media said citing army commander.Iraqi Federal Police advanced towards old Mosul from the axis of Bab al-Jadid and Qadib al-Ban under the cover of missile bombardment, the same source said.These videos were shared by the Iraqi Federal Police.
The first video is described as showing a drone dropping bombs on a location near Hadbaa minaret and the Grand Nuri al-Kabir Mosque in old Mosul.
The second video was described as showing missiles launched against Islamic State locations in old Mosul.