The Four Deuces (1975)
R | 1h 27min | Action, Comedy | January 1976 (USA)
A 1930's mobster (Jack Palance) defends his girlfriend (Carol Lynley), his casino and his bootlegging business.
Director: William H. Bushnell
Writers: Don Martin (story), Lester Franklin (screenplay) (as C. Lester Franklin)
Stars: Jack Palance, Carol Lynley, Warren Berlinger
We have over 15,000 titles available for licensing to VOD platforms. Contact:
R | 1h 27min | Action, Comedy | January 1976 (USA)
A 1930's mobster (Jack Palance) defends his girlfriend (Carol Lynley), his casino and his bootlegging business.
Director: William H. Bushnell
Writers: Don Martin (story), Lester Franklin (screenplay) (as C. Lester Franklin)
Stars: Jack Palance, Carol Lynley, Warren Berlinger
We have over 15,000 titles available for licensing to VOD platforms. Contact:
Short filmTranscript
00:00:30Do Wackadoo Wackadoo Boopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoopadoop
00:01:00Up the stairs, up the stairs, we all gotta stay on the stage
00:01:03Wackadoo won't come through without you
00:02:42I can't think of the truth, won't come through without you
00:03:13He's without honor.
00:03:14Right, Chico.
00:03:17Without honor!
00:03:20He lacks class.
00:03:23Either you got class or you don't got class.
00:03:33Yeah, style is something that you're born with.
00:03:36You don't, uh...
00:03:38How do you say?
00:03:39You don't, uh...
00:03:41How do you say, uh...
00:03:43How do you say, uh...
00:03:46Yeah, that's the one.
00:03:50You don't acquire it by wishing.
00:04:00Retaliation is the solution.
00:04:10Now, breaking the record set in New York five years ago.
00:04:19Hey, this, uh...
00:04:22This Timothy writes pretty good, huh?
00:04:26Uh, hey, Baron.
00:04:28I'd like this guy to pay me a visit.
00:04:31He got the picture.
00:04:32Gotcha, boss.
00:04:35I'll see you guys.
00:04:39Nick Morano,
00:04:41the leader of the Four Deuces gang,
00:04:43when contacted...
00:04:45His gang had nothing to do with the killings.
00:04:51You wouldn't complain so much about your assignments, you'd, uh...
00:04:55I know.
00:04:57I can't get anywhere hacking out that crack you give me.
00:05:00I know.
00:05:01The cops are after you.
00:05:02Everyone knows they're corrupt.
00:05:04But you can't prove it unless you can prove it.
00:05:07We'll never prove the real corruption
00:05:09as long as Vic Morano and the cops work hand in glove.
00:05:12There we go with it.
00:05:13Vic Morano again.
00:05:14You cover the racket just like any other story.
00:05:19Yeah, well, uh...
00:05:20We'll see.
00:05:21See you later.
00:05:24Gotta interview those, uh...
00:05:27Those witnesses.
00:05:29Gotta interview those, uh...
00:05:32Those witnesses in that restaurant shootout.
00:05:37See you later.
00:05:38Hey, hey!
00:05:40By the way, how's the novel coming along?
00:05:44Would you settle for a short story?
00:05:59Hey, kid.
00:06:00Come here.
00:06:03Somebody wants to see you, Mr. Timmons.
00:06:07You're Ben Arlen.
00:06:09You got it, kid.
00:06:11Now move.
00:06:13Before I forget, I'm not supposed to...
00:06:15mess you up.
00:06:19No need.
00:06:21This is one night I've been looking forward to.
00:06:25Sullivan, 120.
00:06:26Sullivan, 120.
00:06:29Oh, I...
00:06:31I'll give you something.
00:06:33Patio, 120.
00:06:34This one here.
00:06:35Patio, 120.
00:06:37You know, I'm taking an awful chance.
00:06:38If Chicover finds out, you know what's gonna happen to me, huh?
00:06:41Hey, tell me what I got or I leave.
00:06:43Come on.
00:06:44All right, Vic.
00:06:45I found this out.
00:06:46And this is really the moxie.
00:06:48Riley, 140.
00:06:50I found out that...
00:06:51Kelly, 120.
00:06:56See you next time.
00:06:58Hi, fellas.
00:07:00I'll get yours ready.
00:07:01Thanks, Jeff.
00:07:02Looks like business is picking up.
00:07:04We're doing all right.
00:07:06Now, I'm the old warehouse on South Road.
00:07:12Riley, 100.
00:07:13Why don't you give him 100 more?
00:07:14Don't you think he should get a little bit more?
00:07:16You know, I'm taking an awful chance.
00:07:18If Chicover finds out, you know what's gonna happen to me, huh?
00:07:20If Chicover finds out...
00:07:21Yeah, don't worry about it.
00:07:22I'll take care of you.
00:07:24Sure, Vic.
00:07:26All set.
00:07:27We hit the sun.
00:07:28Hey, Vic, you need an escort?
00:07:29Hey, not tonight.
00:07:30Smitty's gonna...
00:07:33Gonna get a little too bloody for your boy, you know what I mean?
00:07:36Yeah, I know what you mean.
00:07:39Hey, who the hell are you?
00:07:43Russ Timmons.
00:07:44You sent for me.
00:07:50Come in.
00:08:01Vic Morano.
00:08:07I know.
00:08:10You seem awful interested in four deuces lately.
00:08:14Are you hot news?
00:08:18I, uh...
00:08:20I want the real story on Vic Morano.
00:08:24You serious?
00:08:28Come along with us.
00:08:29Let's go.
00:08:48Extra! Extra!
00:08:49Read all about it!
00:08:51Game or treaches!
00:08:53Go get your extra!
00:08:54Extra! Extra!
00:09:05I think the...
00:09:07The news should be reported.
00:09:08You know what I mean?
00:09:11But how should it be reported?
00:09:15It's funny that you should ask, you know.
00:09:18It should be reported the way you see it all, you know.
00:09:21Only, uh...
00:09:22Only you don't mention who, and you get the picture.
00:09:30Everyone knows who runs the town anyway.
00:09:32That's right. You got the picture.
00:09:34Oh, so you wind up famous.
00:09:37So, what's wrong with the...
00:09:39With the both of us winding up famous?
00:09:41You know what I mean, hey?
00:09:52You know what I mean?
00:10:42Federal agents!
00:10:44Come out with your hands up!
00:10:49Can't I hit the dirt?
00:10:50You guys hit the dirt.
00:11:20All right, you guys know what to do, huh?
00:11:33Do it.
00:11:36You got a match?
00:11:45I forgot I don't smoke.
00:11:55It ain't good for your health.
00:12:06Well, when the hell did that happen?
00:12:11An hour ago.
00:12:12You'd better stick to the facts, kid.
00:12:14You're making it sound like your novel.
00:12:17It's all the facts.
00:12:18I saw it happen, all of it.
00:12:24The finest run a Canadian bogey we've ever gotten our hands on.
00:12:34What does that mean?
00:12:35It means that one of you is a creep!
00:12:38Well, what are you looking at me for?
00:12:40Don't blame me.
00:12:41I didn't do nothing.
00:12:42But the truth is, we're a team.
00:12:44Oh, that's good.
00:12:45That's real good.
00:12:46I like that.
00:12:47I'll kill you.
00:12:48I'll kill you.
00:12:49Hey, OK!
00:12:50Don't get carried away!
00:12:55You gotta remember to have a little class.
00:12:58Like school, huh, boss?
00:13:01No, not like school.
00:13:05Tell us the world that you're on top of it.
00:13:08Like you, boss.
00:13:09Now, go give me an apple unless I deserve it!
00:13:11You want some free balls?
00:13:12Ah, shut up!
00:13:15What am I, running around here, a zoo or something?
00:13:24She's too big to beat anyway.
00:13:27Right now, anyway.
00:13:33I gotta chip away at this bitch.
00:13:36Chip away!
00:13:39Blooded ground, littered with, uh,
00:13:41expended cartridges from heavy...
00:13:44Oh, boy.
00:13:46He'd tag along with us.
00:13:49I think you can write good crap like this every day,
00:13:52you know what I mean?
00:13:53Hey, show my appreciation, huh?
00:13:56Hey, Chip!
00:13:58Put him on apparel, huh?
00:14:00Oh, no, no, no.
00:14:02Uh, I got a bonus for my editor.
00:14:05What the hell is he gonna pay?
00:14:06A penis or what?
00:14:07Are you a monkey?
00:14:08No, really.
00:14:09I keep tagging along with you and writing about it.
00:14:11I'll be, uh, highest paid reporter in town.
00:14:15Okay, okay.
00:14:16You know, I think you're full of crap.
00:14:18Hey, Ben, bring us a couple, will you?
00:14:20I don't understand why this punk's gotta be in on everything.
00:14:23It's my baby brother.
00:14:25College kid, he's a big football star.
00:14:28Hey, Chip, you know what I think?
00:14:30I think, uh, your brain...
00:14:34Your brain went soft since you married that, uh, that dame, huh?
00:14:41Okay, now look.
00:14:42This guy's gonna be our mouthpiece.
00:14:44What are you saying?
00:14:46All right, anybody got any questions?
00:14:49Okay, get out of here, all of you.
00:14:51Go ahead.
00:14:52Boy, do you do what you think.
00:14:54Hey, Chip.
00:14:55Go ahead.
00:15:02Come on.
00:15:10Give me a glass of water.
00:15:51Sorry, baby.
00:15:52A little bit of business, huh?
00:15:58Hold that.
00:16:00I want you to meet a new associate of mine's.
00:16:03Russ Dimmons.
00:16:05It's Wendy Rittenhouse.
00:16:07Pleased to meet you, miss, uh, Ritten... Rittenhouse?
00:16:10Just call me Wendy.
00:16:12And drop the last name.
00:16:14I'm slummy.
00:16:16Hey, sit down, sit down.
00:16:18Sit down.
00:16:19Don't pay any attention to her.
00:16:20She's always teasing simple folks like you and me.
00:16:23You know what I mean?
00:16:24I'll try not to.
00:16:26Hey, what do you do that for, huh?
00:16:29Ladies and gentlemen, the star of the Four Deuces Club,
00:16:32Miss Lloyd Rogers.
00:16:41When you're in love
00:16:44You rule the world
00:16:47You get to make up the laws
00:16:52You can do anything
00:16:57You are the star
00:17:00You are a-walking upon
00:17:05You're a three-ringer
00:17:08She's quite good.
00:17:11So are you.
00:17:14You know what I mean.
00:17:17You're living
00:17:19When you're in love
00:17:22You own the town
00:17:25You've got the world by the tail
00:17:30A new associate, Mr. Timmy.
00:17:34A secretive, I see.
00:17:37Well, whatever it is you do,
00:17:40I'm sure you're the best.
00:17:42I'm a journalist, uh,
00:17:45Miss Rittenhouse.
00:17:48On assignment.
00:17:50It's your excuse.
00:17:56Stupid question.
00:17:58You're lonely when you're in love
00:18:16Hey, Timmons.
00:18:18I want you to meet a special person.
00:18:20Laurie Rogers.
00:18:21Best songbird in town.
00:18:23Oh, Ben.
00:18:25Your new movie's tremendous.
00:18:29Did you like it?
00:18:31What are you kidding?
00:18:33Private Joke.
00:18:34It's our song.
00:18:35I was singing it when we first met.
00:18:37Matt, you mean when I found you
00:18:39in that crummy sheet music joint?
00:18:42Oh, there they go again.
00:18:44Every night they do the same routine.
00:18:47What are you, jealous?
00:18:48You're jealous?
00:18:49Oh, come on.
00:18:51All right, that's enough now.
00:18:52My customers are waiting.
00:18:53Go ahead.
00:18:58Go ahead.
00:19:03I'm gonna see that she gets
00:19:04all the way up to the top.
00:19:10She's the best.
00:19:12That's right, Mr. Timmons.
00:19:14And Vic likes the best.
00:19:17And only the best, right?
00:19:19That's right, baby.
00:19:23It should be.
00:19:27Take Timmons around.
00:19:29Show him the place, huh?
00:19:32Come on, pal.
00:19:47Once I saw a little boy
00:19:53throw away a broken toy.
00:20:00Hey, what do you think?
00:20:03I think that you've been ignoring me.
00:20:05Oh, come on now.
00:20:06I had a lot of things to do, you know,
00:20:08including the new addition to my stable.
00:20:12And am I part of your stable too, darling?
00:20:15Or are you part of mine?
00:20:20What's the difference?
00:20:23Let's go find out.
00:20:34Now I know
00:20:37the way up the hill
00:20:40to be old
00:20:43and thrown away.
00:20:46But my eyes cry real tears
00:20:49thinking back through the years
00:20:52to another day.
00:20:53So you're the deuce of clubs.
00:20:55That, uh, that makes you the, uh,
00:20:58bottom man on the ladder, does it?
00:21:01I don't like you moving it.
00:21:03And I don't like you.
00:21:05I got the picture the first time we met.
00:21:07So why don't you do what you were told
00:21:09and just bring over the other deuces I'd like to meet?
00:21:19Now I know
00:21:22Hey, what are you waiting for?
00:21:26Patience, darling.
00:21:30Jesus Christ.
00:21:34Why don't you go lie down?
00:21:37Yeah, why don't we just, uh,
00:21:41you know what I mean?
00:21:44Be a good boy now.
00:21:55Take off your robe.
00:22:09My mother would die.
00:22:12For what?
00:22:14Sorry, darling.
00:22:18An old school joke.
00:22:21I keep forgetting that you didn't go to Vassar.
00:22:27I could have.
00:22:36Who is this Russ Timmons?
00:22:54He's writing a book about me.
00:22:58Well, it'll be very interesting
00:23:00when he starts to research this chapter of your life.
00:23:26You're everything, baby.
00:23:28You're everything, baby.
00:23:31You're everything good.
00:23:33Everything good.
00:23:35Everything good.
00:23:39Everyone freeze!
00:23:48You want to die, skinhead?
00:23:51That goes for you, pimp!
00:23:55Okay, wallet and jewelry in the bag.
00:23:57Come on, Curly.
00:23:58The wallet.
00:24:09Put it down, punk.
00:24:10In the bag, lady.
00:24:12There's one less member of the scum race.
00:24:17Come on, man, in there.
00:24:18In there, right now.
00:24:19The jewelry, the jewelry.
00:24:20All right, everyone!
00:24:21Put your heads and your hands on the table!
00:24:24Or get your head on the floor!
00:24:26Come on, faster.
00:24:28Get that head on the floor!
00:24:31Good scene.
00:24:37I'm leaving Monk here with the shotgun,
00:24:39so don't move or turn around.
00:24:44Incidentally, Monk happens to be a maniac.
00:24:49After we're gone, he might kill you anyway.
00:25:03Mickey, break out the arsenal.
00:25:04We're going to hit him.
00:25:06You heard what I said.
00:25:07Break it out.
00:25:08We ain't moving until Vic comes.
00:25:12I'll see you in my office in, uh...
00:25:17five minutes.
00:25:20Yeah, five minutes.
00:25:22All right.
00:25:25Hey, Ben, tell Chip to, uh...
00:25:28make up all the losses for the customers,
00:25:30you know what I mean?
00:25:32Yeah, I know what it costs.
00:25:39Yeah, I gotta go.
00:25:42You're going to have trouble right here sometime.
00:25:44Hey, baby.
00:25:53We gotta get him and get him good.
00:25:55Take it easy.
00:25:56Take it easy, Mick.
00:25:57When Vic gets here, he'll take care of everything.
00:25:59He better.
00:26:04Everybody here?
00:26:07Where's Chip?
00:26:08He's downstairs, cleaning up the mess.
00:26:13Now, uh...
00:26:15we're going to set up a peace conference.
00:26:17You get the picture?
00:26:18That's a good idea.
00:26:20Hey, you want to set some fires?
00:26:28Big Reds, Blade, and Babe.
00:26:30And, uh...
00:26:35Hey, get me Maine 9842.
00:26:41Ben, call Father.
00:26:42Tell him we'd like to use the same place like before, huh?
00:26:46And then call Smitty and tell him we want him to, uh...
00:26:48to stand by.
00:26:49Hey, Chico!
00:26:51Hey, you're getting better, baby.
00:26:54Oh, Vic, you taught me everything I know.
00:26:56I couldn't have taught it to a nicer guy.
00:26:59You guess I'm lucky, huh?
00:27:03I know this place.
00:27:05It's public enough, yeah.
00:27:08Not tonight.
00:27:11Oh, I don't worry about that.
00:27:12Smitty will be there.
00:27:14He'll see we play fair.
00:27:16I'll see you in an hour.
00:27:25Tell Ma she's making a trip with us.
00:27:59Okay, Smitty.
00:28:02Don't worry about a thing, Mr. Hamilton.
00:28:33Hey, Smitty.
00:28:38Everything okay, Smitty?
00:28:40Fine so far, Vic.
00:28:42Your boys clean?
00:28:44Not yet, Smitty.
00:28:46All right, fellas.
00:28:48Put your artillery on that rail.
00:28:50What about you, Vic?
00:28:54Help yourselves, Smitty.
00:28:56Hey, there's supposed to be a peace conference, you know what I mean?
00:29:00All right.
00:29:02Just, uh...
00:29:04Keep the public relaxed and, uh...
00:29:06And it won't take too long, you know what I mean?
00:29:13Try not to make too much noise, Vic.
00:29:51Are we going to shake hands?
00:29:53We'll shake hands afterwards.
00:29:56That's if everything is in order.
00:30:01I like order, too, Chico.
00:30:03That's the way I...
00:30:04That's the way I want to run my business, you know what I mean?
00:30:07I like the same thing.
00:30:11You ain't been acting like that, Chico.
00:30:15But we have our differences.
00:30:17That's why we're here.
00:30:22Hey, I see you brung your mother again to...
00:30:25To be your banker, huh?
00:30:27Hello, Mrs.
00:30:31Well, I think we can settle everything right here...
00:30:35Right now.
00:30:37I notice there's a couple of deuces that are missing.
00:30:40That's true.
00:30:42Chip is, uh...
00:30:44Cleaning up the mess you left in the casino.
00:30:52Where's the pyromaniac?
00:30:54He's taking care of the body.
00:30:56Now, let's get down to business, huh?
00:30:58Come on.
00:31:22There's a room for rent on Clark Street
00:31:27A dim-lit, low-down, dark street
00:31:32You'll find quiet and you'll find peace
00:31:36And you only have to sign a now-wise lease
00:31:40On a room for two if you, babe
00:31:46Furnished just for you, babe
00:31:50I promise you that it's no place like home
00:31:55On Clark Street, USA
00:31:59You can ask the chef to send you
00:32:04Our room service menu
00:32:09You'll find love, a pretty pass
00:32:13A pretty pass
00:32:15When a dollar can't buy you a piece of class
00:32:19There's a piece in this for everybody. What's the but?
00:32:22But an equal piece. It's not!
00:32:25Yeah, okay, okay, okay. Take it easy.
00:32:27Now, look. We'll, uh, slice it another way. You know what I mean?
00:32:31Oh, I'm listening.
00:32:33But I hear nothing. No changes, no nothing.
00:32:36Yeah, look.
00:32:38I'll consider changing when I get what I want.
00:32:41Which is? Which is you off my back at any cost, whatever.
00:32:52Start slicing.
00:32:57Hey, bring us... Hey, Father, hey.
00:32:59Bring us a drink, huh?
00:33:01Now, look.
00:33:03Uh, I figure that you get the restaurant business now,
00:33:08You get the picture.
00:33:10Where we guarantee your kicks, babe
00:33:15We do our parlor tricks, babe
00:33:19If you're uptight, we can make it all right
00:33:24On Clark Street, U.S.A
00:33:30Is for the mock, so we get on Clark Street
00:33:35Clark Street, U.S.A
00:33:45Yeah, well, we still haven't discussed this outside.
00:33:49Too lucrative just for one man.
00:33:51Hey, hey, Chico, come on now.
00:33:53Look, I control that a long time, you know what I mean?
00:33:56Well, if it's not split up, there's no deal.
00:34:01Yeah, all right, go ahead.
00:34:05Through the front door or the back
00:34:09Then stick around for a midnight snack
00:34:14On Clark Street, U.S.A
00:34:22Now it's only two dollars, three for twice
00:34:27And for this week, every dwarf has fries
00:34:31On Clark Street
00:34:35Oh, come on, buddy, lay off.
00:34:38I'm just trying to earn a living.
00:34:39I'm in love with you.
00:34:40Come on.
00:34:41Jesus Christ.
00:34:42What is a fine, hunk of woman like you doing in a place like this?
00:34:45Hey, come on, babe.
00:34:46Come on.
00:34:47Hey, what are you making?
00:35:05Well, hi, girl.
00:35:06Time to take a powder?
00:35:21Thanks, Chico, buddy.
00:35:27I like it.
00:35:29But I got one question.
00:35:33What's your angle?
00:35:35You've always had one.
00:35:36What the hell is the angle?
00:35:40I told you.
00:35:44Yeah, so you said.
00:35:46Yeah, so you said.
00:35:48You put up a hundred grand to reimburse me
00:35:53for the damage you did in the club.
00:35:56We'll call it a deal.
00:36:01If Chico likes it, you'll get the cash in an hour.
00:36:09I like it.
00:36:33Jesus said to his disciples,
00:36:35no man can serve two masters.
00:36:40You know what he means, Smitty, huh?
00:36:57Russ Timmons.
00:36:59Oh, yeah.
00:37:00Yeah, I heard you were working for Vic.
00:37:02Well, you might say that.
00:37:04I know.
00:37:05Well, what can I do for you?
00:37:07I'm really curious why you let Marano and Hamilton
00:37:12go on shooting up this town.
00:37:14Shoot up the town?
00:37:15No, no, no.
00:37:16Shooting up each other.
00:37:18That's okay as long as they keep the riffraff under control.
00:37:22Your own paper recently said that this town
00:37:25has one of the lowest crime rates in the country.
00:37:28People like it that way.
00:37:30They like safe streets.
00:37:32There's practically no burglary, prostitution,
00:37:34I personally take care of all the gambling payoffs.
00:37:37Very few murders.
00:37:39Not much blood money.
00:37:40Don't worry.
00:37:41It's a nice, clean town.
00:37:54Playin' games!
00:37:56Children playin' games.
00:38:00Here, take care of that.
00:38:04I take your toys, he takes mine.
00:38:08Enjoy, folks.
00:38:09This is for you.
00:38:10Don't worry.
00:38:11Shut up.
00:38:12This is for you.
00:38:13Hey, shut up!
00:38:15His heart should be hangin' from the entrance!
00:38:18His heart should be pincin' on the wall!
00:38:21Right over there!
00:38:25I've got an idea.
00:38:29Take an ad out in the Friday paper.
00:38:35The Hi-Hat Club proudly presents
00:38:40Songbird Laurie Rogers.
00:38:46It's all fake.
00:38:48It's all fake.
00:38:50It's all fake.
00:38:53It's all fixed.
00:38:55He's lying.
00:38:56She don't know that.
00:38:58He figures her leaving will break him.
00:39:02He's got a lot of heart.
00:39:04He's lying.
00:39:05She's gonna believe that crap.
00:39:06Hey, don't worry about it, Benny.
00:39:08I'll take care of Laurie.
00:39:10Friday, huh?
00:39:12He's bought a gown, got a new combo,
00:39:15fixed up the dressing room.
00:39:19Yeah, yeah.
00:39:21That's the picture.
00:39:27You never can tell.
00:39:32I almost...
00:39:51That's Songbird in town.
00:39:54That's what I was just sayin' to a producer
00:39:57over in New York.
00:40:01Didn't say.
00:40:05I know you're gonna make it big time
00:40:09when I get ready to kick you out of town
00:40:13upstairs the big time.
00:40:16Vic, I...
00:40:17Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:40:18Yeah, yeah, you know.
00:40:20Take these, uh...
00:40:22Take these rumors that I have heard.
00:40:27Oh, I was only teasing, Vic.
00:40:29I swear, I was only teasing.
00:40:32I had great hopes for you once.
00:40:36You like Chico Hamilton, huh?
00:40:41Vic, no one's been as good to me as you've been.
00:40:44I only wanted to try it on my own for a while, that's all.
00:40:47Look at this town.
00:40:49It's mine, honey.
00:40:57Good riddance.
00:41:16Stop your playin'
00:41:20Time to pack up
00:41:23For another town
00:41:27Stack the tinsel
00:41:30Pack the laughter
00:41:34Painted laughter
00:41:37From jaded painted clowns
00:41:41Like a carousel
00:41:45I keep movin'
00:41:48Seein' all the same old things
00:41:55Spinnin' round and round
00:41:59Goin' nowhere
00:42:02Knowin' what tomorrow brings
00:42:10What gives you the right to judge me?
00:42:14You get a kick out of slummin', is that it?
00:42:19You write wonderful stories, Mr. Timmons.
00:42:23Hello, darling.
00:42:27Looks like I'm gonna write bad news tonight.
00:42:29Bad news?
00:42:31Nah, just some business I gotta tend to.
00:42:34Oh, Vic, we were supposed to have dinner together.
00:42:38Yeah, I know, but something came up.
00:42:41Needs my attention.
00:42:44Hey, Timmons, how about, uh,
00:42:47taking Wendy out on the town and showing her a good time, huh?
00:42:50There, make it a big time.
00:42:52Make the, uh, make the society page, all right?
00:42:56Heh, I'll see yous later.
00:42:59The society page is not exactly what I had...
00:43:04The obituary page, maybe.
00:43:07That isn't what I had in mind, either.
00:43:10Oh, wow. Wait a second. Hold it. Wait.
00:43:17I'm sorry it slipped out.
00:43:20I'll be good.
00:43:26First the classy dinner, then, uh...
00:43:44It's trouble.
00:43:46Don't worry. Vic can handle it.
00:43:49Yeah, but can he handle abroad?
00:43:52Pick her up along with anyone who's with her.
00:43:55Take her where she wants to go. That's all.
00:43:59Got you.
00:44:02Then I... the address and bring it back to you.
00:44:05You got it.
00:44:07Then I can go call him.
00:44:10Then I can go call him.
00:44:28All right. Is this what you want, boss?
00:44:30Yeah. Come on, screw.
00:44:34Thank you, Chico.
00:44:37They're lovely.
00:44:43No, you didn't have to do that.
00:44:45I know.
00:44:46But it was nice.
00:44:49Yes, I know.
00:44:51I know, pet. But don't worry.
00:44:55Don't worry at all. I'll take care of you.
00:44:58There's nothing to worry about. Trust me.
00:45:00I do trust you, Chico.
00:45:04When he's hurt, he...
00:45:07He becomes a madman. He becomes an animal. He...
00:45:10No one knows where you're living now.
00:45:14So don't worry.
00:45:16Look, I'll have a couple of guys, uh...
00:45:18take you home tonight when you're ready.
00:45:24Only I don't know why you're doing all this for me.
00:45:29I guess I like you.
00:45:32I always have.
00:45:36I'll see you, pet.
00:46:03Okay, let's go.
00:46:05Stay far enough behind.
00:46:09Has anybody ever told you
00:46:11just how arrogant you are, Mr. Timmons?
00:46:15I don't get testy. I'm trying to be nice.
00:46:19You're doing a job.
00:46:21What do you expect?
00:46:23You're Vic's woman.
00:46:25I'm his man.
00:46:28Aren't you?
00:46:30That's none of your business.
00:46:32You know, I could say the same thing about you.
00:46:34Aren't you one of Vic's boys?
00:46:36Skip it.
00:46:38No, I won't.
00:46:40Ever since I first met you,
00:46:42I've seen a look in your eye that says,
00:46:44naughty, naughty little girl.
00:46:46Well, if you would bother to look beyond
00:46:48that stuffed shirt of yours,
00:46:50I think that you would be a good man.
00:46:53I'm sorry.
00:46:55Beyond that stuffed shirt of yours,
00:46:57I think that you would find
00:46:59it's not quite as sordid as you think.
00:47:02Let's make a pact.
00:47:04On your terms, no doubt.
00:47:11I brought you dinner.
00:47:13Can I get you to shut up?
00:47:38That life
00:47:40And life's a great big ball
00:47:44We were always together
00:47:47Summer, winter, and fall
00:47:50That's life
00:47:52And that's life
00:47:54And life's a great big ball
00:47:57Baby, we can weather storms
00:48:01That may come along
00:48:04Cause when we're together
00:48:07Life is just like a song
00:48:11Now we'll sing it together
00:48:15Loving, living, and all
00:48:18That's life
00:48:20That's life
00:48:22And life's a great big
00:48:24We were always together
00:48:27Summer, winter, and fall
00:48:30That's life
00:48:31That's life
00:48:33And life's a great big ball
00:48:36Baby, we can weather storms
00:48:40That may come along
00:48:43Cause when we're together
00:48:45Life is just like a song
00:48:49Now we'll sing it together
00:48:52Living, loving, and all
00:48:54That's life
00:48:55That's life
00:48:56And life's a great big ball
00:49:19It wasn't so different after all
00:49:48You gotta know
00:49:54You gotta know where you come from
00:49:58Where you're going
00:50:08It's too easy to slip
00:50:13You know what I mean?
00:50:18It is
00:50:23You gotta remember, huh?
00:50:28You gotta remember
00:50:37You gotta have something special
00:50:40Some kind of gift
00:50:50But it don't mean nothing
00:50:53Except to others
00:50:56If they got it, I can tell
00:50:59That it shows
00:51:05The marks
00:51:07You gotta live in that a long, long time
00:51:13No spot, no light
00:51:20No nothing
00:51:28That's, uh
00:51:32What we got to look forward to
00:51:36But it's, it's how we get there, though
00:51:42It's what we do before
00:51:47Gotta be different
00:51:49You gotta care, you know what I mean?
00:51:52I never asked no favors
00:51:55All what I got
00:51:58I sweated for
00:52:04Nobody's gonna take it away from me
00:52:24I owe you one
00:52:26No, you don't
00:52:28Yeah, I make up my own mind
00:52:29And I ain't likely to forget about that
00:52:33Unless I have to
00:52:39Maybe it's because I, uh
00:52:42I like the way you were talking back there
00:52:45Or maybe it's, uh
00:52:49Your meal ticket
00:52:54That part of it I like, you know
00:52:57Let's, uh
00:52:59Let's call it a contract between the two of us, huh?
00:53:25Come on, I'm late. What the hell are you waiting for?
00:53:35Take it
00:53:38Take it!
00:53:39Fifty grand
00:53:42Count it
00:53:47There'll be another envelope, same amount
00:53:50Tomorrow night
00:53:52It's tempting
00:53:55If you can't think about it
00:53:58Do it
00:54:00You know, I was just thinking that, uh
00:54:03If Vic had a bundle of cash
00:54:06He just might leave town
00:54:13The only way he's gonna leave town
00:54:17He's in a box
00:54:26Get up
00:54:28Join the party
00:54:37Have a drink, Smoke
00:54:40There's more to come
00:54:45I want you to celebrate Vic's birthday party
00:54:49With a bang
00:54:51After the celebration
00:54:53You and the little lady here can retire
00:54:57South side, lock, stock, barrel
00:55:01All yours
00:55:02You're a dead man, Punk
00:55:04I'm sorry you feel that way
00:55:08Maybe we had better up the ante
00:55:14And then maybe you'll come around
00:55:17And sign with Daddy
00:55:25Drink up, Smoke
00:55:28There's more to come
00:55:32As I was saying
00:55:42Look, uh, you don't have to hurt Flame here
00:55:44It's Vic and me who you're after
00:55:48Vic is who I'm after
00:55:51Can't do it
00:55:52Not on his birthday, I can't
00:55:55I'll be inhuman
00:55:59He's been good to me
00:56:01Way back in the old days, uh
00:56:05My old mother
00:56:18Don't get out
00:56:26Flame and me will love
00:56:29Let's get down
00:56:31I don't want to do this, Sam
00:56:34What's best?
00:56:36But I, uh, I just, uh
00:56:41I just can't, uh
00:56:45All right
00:56:52You were saying?
00:56:54Just want to do, uh, what's best
00:57:02You are doing the, uh, right thing for you
00:57:06And for Flame
00:57:16Come on, we have a lot of things to talk about
00:57:24Oh, don't worry
00:57:26Just like you and Flame
00:57:40No, no, no!
00:57:43Oh, no, no!
00:57:53For he's a jolly good fellow
00:57:56For he's a jolly good fellow
00:58:00With a jolly happy mind
00:58:06Hey, hey, hey, hey!
00:58:08A party?
00:58:09What kind of party is that?
00:58:11Now, here's a good friend for you
00:58:14One of my biggest friends, huh?
00:58:17To friends
00:58:20And my friend, DM
00:58:23That's the guy who works for that, uh
00:58:27Hey, look at that
00:58:28That's beautiful
00:58:29That's really beautiful
00:58:30Wait, what the hell is it?
00:58:31No, I'm only kidding, I'm only kidding
00:58:33It's a watch
00:58:34Look at that
00:58:35Is that gorgeous?
00:58:36It is
00:58:37That really is beautiful, hey
00:58:39Hey, that makes a loud tick
00:58:42Hey, who'd you rob?
00:58:43It's gold
00:58:45I've been getting a lot of bonuses lately
00:58:48Yeah, I know, I know
00:58:49I'm going to be his agent, that's why
00:58:51Let's see what else we got in here
00:58:53This is
00:58:54Happy birthday, Vic
00:58:55From your faithful servant
00:59:02He's been with me a long time, cigars
00:59:05Hey, look what he gave me
00:59:07The guy knows exactly what I like
00:59:08Look at this
00:59:09Hey, liquorice!
00:59:13Hey, that's beautiful
00:59:17Here's a gift from, uh
00:59:19Hey, this better be good, Ben
00:59:20Or, uh, I'm going to disinherit you
00:59:22You know what I mean?
00:59:30Oh, my God
00:59:42How's that?
00:59:44Big present here from another
00:59:46Great friend of mine, right, Smokey, huh?
00:59:48Right, right, Vic
00:59:50And from me to you, uh
00:59:52Let's drink to it, huh?
00:59:53Yeah, sure
00:59:54Let's all drink to Smokey, right?
00:59:56To Smokey
00:59:57Hey, Smokey
01:00:02Hey, uh
01:00:04Hey, Smokey, the bathroom's occupied, Smokey
01:00:07Your lady's in there
01:00:09Matter of fact, you know, uh
01:00:12She's been in there a long time
01:00:15I better go see what's wrong, huh?
01:00:17I mean, something may have happened
01:00:19You know, she gets sick every now and then, huh?
01:00:21Sure, sure
01:00:22Well, we'll, uh
01:00:23We'll wait until the two of yous get back
01:00:25Before I open the present, huh?
01:00:27Oh, that's okay, Vic
01:00:29Go ahead
01:00:30Have fun, huh?
01:00:33Oh, don't worry, Smokey
01:00:34I'll have fun
01:00:40What'd you leave so soon for?
01:00:42You made him suspicious
01:00:44This is all your fault
01:00:45Then get out and get blown up
01:00:47What'd you do it for anyway?
01:00:48You could have told him
01:00:54Oh, no
01:01:08No! No!
01:01:12Oh, no! No!
01:01:14No! No!
01:01:16Hi, kid
01:01:20Everything okay?
01:01:33We're gonna get it, aren't we?
01:01:48Well, uh
01:01:50It was a different kind of party
01:01:52You got it with that, huh?
01:01:55Don't mention that to him
01:01:56Coming out of the cake, huh?
01:01:57In public
01:01:58They wouldn't think it was funny
01:02:00I won't
01:02:02What, are you my editor all of a sudden?
01:02:04Who, me?
01:02:06Yeah, come on
01:02:07No, you're the writer in this family, eh?
01:02:12Now, listen, uh
01:02:26Good night, friend
01:02:29Yeah, I mean that
01:02:30You are my friend
01:02:34See you both tomorrow
01:02:36Good night, friend
01:02:39Good night
01:03:00Oh, but come up to the chair
01:03:13Come up
01:03:18I want you to listen
01:03:20I want you to listen carefully
01:03:23Everything depends on it
01:03:27I sunk every penny I have in this shipment
01:03:31There's a fortune in this booze
01:03:33It came in last week
01:03:41Being stored at the old Bank Street warehouse
01:03:45We're moving out of there tomorrow night
01:03:48With the money we get from this shipment
01:03:51We're gonna hire new guns
01:03:53New personnel
01:03:54We're gonna hit his bookie joints
01:03:56His cat houses
01:03:57His speaks
01:03:58His numbers records
01:04:00I want his honor
01:04:02I want him to remember Tiger and Baby Boy
01:04:05I want him to remember Laurie
01:04:08I want to squash him like a bug
01:04:27Fat boy, you better be right about this
01:04:31He said, Vic
01:04:33I got it from the horse's mouth
01:04:37Take him in and show him where it is
01:04:40Sure, Vic
01:04:43You're done
01:04:59Have you been in here before?
01:05:02We used it last January
01:05:04Before the feds made that raid
01:05:08Come on, let's get out
01:05:39Come on, Vic
01:05:42Come on, Vic
01:05:43Come on, Vic
01:05:44Come on, Vic
01:05:45Come on, Vic
01:05:46Come on, Vic
01:05:47Come on, Vic
01:05:48Come on, Vic
01:05:49Come on, Vic
01:05:50Come on, Vic
01:05:51Come on, Vic
01:05:52Come on, Vic
01:05:53Come on, Vic
01:05:54Come on, Vic
01:05:55Come on, Vic
01:05:56Come on, Vic
01:05:57Come on, Vic
01:05:58Come on, Vic
01:05:59Come on, Vic
01:06:00Come on, Vic
01:06:01Come on, Vic
01:06:02Come on, Vic
01:06:03Come on, Vic
01:06:04Come on, Vic
01:06:05Come on, Vic
01:06:06Come on, Vic
01:06:07Come on, Vic
01:06:08Come on, Vic
01:06:09Come on, Vic
01:06:10Come on, Vic
01:06:11Come on, Vic
01:06:12Come on, Vic
01:06:13Come on, Vic
01:06:14Come on, Vic
01:06:15Come on, Vic
01:06:16Come on, Vic
01:06:17Come on, Vic
01:06:18Come on, Vic
01:06:19Come on, Vic
01:06:20Come on, Vic
01:06:21Come on, Vic
01:06:22Come on, Vic
01:06:23Come on, Vic
01:06:24Come on, Vic
01:06:25Come on, Vic
01:06:26Come on, Vic
01:06:27Come on, Vic
01:06:28Come on, Vic
01:06:29Come on, Vic
01:06:30Come on, Vic
01:06:31Come on, Vic
01:06:32Come on, Vic
01:06:33Come on, Vic
01:06:34Come on, Vic
01:06:35Come on, Vic
01:06:36Come on, Vic
01:06:37Come on, Vic
01:06:38Come on, Vic
01:06:39Come on, Vic
01:06:40Come on, Vic
01:06:41Come on, Vic
01:06:42Come on, Vic
01:06:43Come on, Vic
01:06:44Come on, Vic
01:06:45Come on, Vic
01:06:46Come on, Vic
01:06:47Come on, Vic
01:06:48Come on, Vic
01:06:49Come on, Vic
01:06:50Come on, Vic
01:06:51Come on, Vic
01:06:52Come on, Vic
01:06:53Come on, Vic
01:06:54Come on, Vic
01:06:55Come on, Vic
01:06:56Come on, Vic
01:06:57Come on, Vic
01:06:58Come on, Vic
01:06:59Come on, Vic
01:07:00Come on, Vic
01:07:01Come on, Vic
01:07:02Come on, Vic
01:07:03Come on, Vic
01:07:04Come on, Vic
01:07:05Come on, Vic
01:07:06Come on, Vic
01:07:07Come on, Vic
01:07:08Come on, Vic
01:07:09Come on, Vic
01:07:10Come on, Vic
01:07:11Come on, Vic
01:07:12Come on, Vic
01:07:13Come on, Vic
01:07:14Come on, Vic
01:07:15Come on, Vic
01:07:17You don't understand anything he says
01:07:19Not a single word
01:07:46First, I didn't know where to go. Now I know why I came here.
01:08:01Shh. Don't.
01:08:02Now, it's everything. It's lying. It's, uh...
01:08:08I've got to slow down and put the pieces together.
01:08:15Let me help.
01:08:23Thanks for last night. That's two I owe you.
01:08:28You could have let me die. You know what I mean?
01:08:36There were enough people killed for one night.
01:08:39We found some way to control this town without all this bloodshed.
01:08:46Did you say we?
01:08:48Well, I'd like to take over part of my operation.
01:08:57You know, if I'm going to change my style.
01:09:03I'm going to need a guy with a brain like yours.
01:09:08I think there's really something else I have to talk to you about.
01:09:13There ain't nothing else that's important to talk about except to answer the question that I ask you.
01:09:19You want a piece of my action, yes or no?
01:10:17Yes, Mr. Moran, may I get you something?
01:10:19Is my brother out there?
01:10:20No, he's not.
01:10:22Get out, then.
01:10:23But I do have a message for you.
01:10:26Come over.
01:10:32Well, come on, honey, read this damn thing.
01:10:36A certain young lady is at my place.
01:10:40Come quick before she disappears like a songbird.
01:10:46Can that be right?
01:10:47A songbird?
01:10:49Mr. Moran, may I get you something?
01:10:52Can that be right?
01:10:53Of course.
01:10:54Your Honor.
01:10:55Shall I call the doctor?
01:10:56Your Honor.
01:10:57Shall I call the doctor?
01:10:59Get out of here!
01:11:01Come on, get out!
01:11:02You speak to me like that!
01:11:03Get out!
01:11:04Get out!
01:11:10She won't be here.
01:11:14Not my mother.
01:11:16She won't.
01:11:42You here?
01:11:56I thought you'd show up.
01:11:59I was going to anyway, you know.
01:12:01After last night, I, uh...
01:12:03I was thinking we'd better get together before we both get killed off,
01:12:06and then, uh...
01:12:09and nobody gets nothing.
01:12:11You were thinking all day, huh?
01:12:15Hey, uh, that was a...
01:12:18good-looking nurse you had.
01:12:21You know, I, uh...
01:12:23I like this, uh...
01:12:26this Wendy Dame a lot better.
01:12:28Well, you know, you're...
01:12:30you're like Wendy.
01:12:32You can have her.
01:12:34Hey, we got bigger problems.
01:12:38That doesn't sound like, uh, the big I know.
01:12:47I'm still carrying a couple of slugs around in my body.
01:12:51I want to make a deal.
01:12:54Well, listen.
01:13:00We, uh...
01:13:02we let up.
01:13:04You know, we divide the territories.
01:13:09We run it together.
01:13:12All of it.
01:13:15Does it matter?
01:13:17Hey, it's the same thing.
01:13:20Oh, it's not the same.
01:13:24We split the profits,
01:13:26and we run it together.
01:13:28That way, you don't have a territory,
01:13:30I don't have a territory.
01:13:35I get the picture.
01:13:39Jesus, Chico, you...
01:13:41you know, you really got something there.
01:13:45Chico, you know I don't carry nothing.
01:13:53Well, I don't know if I should shake or not.
01:13:56You got...
01:13:58got something up your sleeve.
01:14:05It's just...
01:14:07there's no other way to go.
01:14:11It's getting too costly.
01:14:17I think we have a deal.
01:14:19I think we have a deal.
01:14:23I don't trust you.
01:14:26But I guess we could...
01:14:29grow to love each other.
01:14:31That's after I look at the books.
01:14:34I don't trust you.
01:14:37First thing we have to do...
01:14:41we got to take care of that brother of yours.
01:14:44He's going to give us the shaft.
01:14:46How do you know?
01:14:48I've been talking to Dolly.
01:14:51Dolly set it up.
01:16:06Sorry, you're out of luck.
01:16:08Pull half.
01:16:35Go on home. I'll see you later.
01:16:39Come on.
01:16:41Let's go find my punk brother. Come on.
01:16:44Come on.
01:17:06Take it all here.
01:17:08Take the money that you want.
01:17:10Take it all here.
01:17:12And keep going, baby, right to the coast.
01:17:15And don't look back, because if you do, I'll kill you.
01:17:18I'll kill you, Chippie. I'll kill you.
01:17:21You shut up, Chippie.
01:17:24You shut up, Chippie.
01:17:27You shut up, Chippie.
01:17:30You shut up, Chippie.
01:17:33You shut up, Chippie.
01:17:44You don't exist.
01:17:47It's just you and me, Mickey.
01:17:50I got to talk to you.
01:17:56Go ahead.
01:17:59You ain't gonna like it.
01:18:02Timmons got a thing going for...
01:18:20Yeah. I, uh...
01:18:23I followed her.
01:18:39Bring him to me.
01:18:45Bring him to me.
01:19:03Get the gun! Get the gun!
01:19:15Get the gun!
01:19:34Don't! Don't!
01:20:15Where's Mickey?
01:20:18He's dead, Dick.
01:20:27Come here to get me, too?
01:20:34I have to explain.
01:20:37I have to explain.
01:20:40I have to explain.
01:20:43I have to explain.
01:20:46We love each other.
01:20:52It wasn't his fault.
01:20:55You wanted us to be together.
01:20:58You asked to be with me.
01:21:01It just happened.
01:21:04Dick, I love you.
01:21:07You owe me two!
01:21:22Oh, dear.
01:21:25Take him with you.
01:21:31For what it's worth...
01:21:34I won't forget you.
01:21:37And I don't regret a minute of it.
01:21:40About a minute.
01:21:42Let's go.
01:21:46When I finish your book, I'll send you a copy.
01:21:50Just throw it around.