P20EN: The Art of Negotiation - M202: Understanding negotiation techniques

  • il y a 7 ans
More informations on: https://actiononline.fr/parcours/art-de-la-negociation

Learning goals:
- Understanding negotiation strategies and tactics.
- Knowing how to question and reformulate.
- Knowing how to deal with objections.
- Being able to get out of a deadlock situation.
- Understanding other negotiation contexts: by telephone, by email, group negotiations, or negotiations in a multicultural context

A word from the author:
Negotiations cannot be improvised! There is no mathematical or magic formula to guarantee that your negotiation will be a success.
To negotiate successfully, you need to know how to present factual arguments and to take a constructive attitude.
You should actively listen to the other parties in order to understand them. Don’t hesitate to reformulate because it will give you another chance to hear the other party conclude for him/herself without you having to do it!
You should be prepared to deal with objections. You need to know how far you can go and you should have run a simulation for each situation in order to understand the repercussions of potential concessions or discounts.
In addition to face-to-face meetings, be prepared to negotiate by telephone or email, with a group or in a multicultural context.

- Negotiation stages and methods
- Knowing how to question and reformulate
- Win-win solution
- Addressing objections and managing difficult situations
- Other negotiation contexts
- Conclusion and Quiz

More informations on: More informations on: https://actiononline.fr/parcours/art-de-la-negociation
