Angry Investors In Chinese Zoo Protest By Feeding Live Donkey To Tigers

  • 7 years ago
Recently, disgruntled investors in a Jiangsu province, China zoo showed their anger by releasing a live donkey into a cage of tigers.

Protests come in many forms, but one recent show of dissatisfaction has, for many, gone far beyond acceptability.
Recently, disgruntled investors in a Jiangsu province, China zoo showed their anger by releasing a live donkey into a cage of tigers, reports the BBC.
Needless to say, the donkey did not make it out alive. 
Video of the incident found its way to Internet, prompting mass outrage, according to South China Morning Post.
One viewer commented, “This is barbaric and has no place in a zoo which is supposed to look after animal welfare. No one can dispute that tigers hunt in the wild but their prey always has a chance at getting away." 
The investors behind the act were upset about the freezing of the zoo’s assets and the subsequent lack of returns on the money they’d put into the facility, notes The Guardian.
One of them reportedly said, “Since we can’t have any benefits, we thought why not feed them to the tigers, at least we can save on animal feed.”


