• 8 years ago
(Fair Use & posted with Permission from my brother Asfaha23 who is a creator of this video:

1. Download NO$GBA(2.6a)/NO$ZOOMER( (u need no$gba to use no$zoomer). Google it if u can't find it
2. Download Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver (http://www.romulation.net/)
3. Download NDS Bios and Firmware.bin (http://setya5785.wordpress.com/2008/0...) and put it in same folder as NO$GBA/NO$ZOOMER
4. Run NO$GBA/NO$ZOOMER and open HG/SS
5. Open Emulation Setup/NO$GBA Options and under Reset/Startup Entrypoint put GBA BIOS(Nintendo logo)
6. Close setup and Save Options
7. Close and reopen and you're good to go! (Don't reset afterwards or else it will crash and u will lose ur progress, just close and reopen.)

You might need to use the EXTRA to fix some of the other glitches (Go to Others to find the EXTRA stuff.) BTW, I use EX0, EX2, and EX4

Use this action replay code if it freezes randomly:
020DD9E4 E1A00000
020D3820 E1A00000
020DE16C E1A00000
020D3FA8 E1A00000

NO$GBA 2.6a: http://www.nogba.com/
NO$ZOOMER http://forums.ngemu.com/no-gba-discus......
HG/SS Roms: http://dgemu.com/ (make an account and search which rom you want)
NDS Bios/Firmware.bin: http://www.setya5785.wordpress.com/20...

Config Settings:
GBA Mode == VGA (poppy bright)
NDS Mode == Nintendo DS (normal 4MB)
Emulation Speed, LCD Refresh == -Realtime, Auto
Reset/Startup Entrypoint == GBA BIOS (Nintendo logo)
Topmost Display Lines == -Display Normal
Sound Output Mode == Digital Stereo
Sound Desired Sample Rate == -High (44kHz) (best)
Video Output == 24bit True Color
Emulate BIOS Functions == By real GBA.ROM (accurate)
Solar Sensor Level == Darkness
GBA Cartridge Backup Media == -Auto
NDS-Cartridge Backup Media == -Auto
Multiboot Port == -None/Disabled
Multiboot Completion == -Auto-close Upload Box
Multiboot Normal/BurstDelays == -Medium/Medium (stable)
Game Screen Filter == None (fast)
Decompressed Help File == Delete after Usage
Create Game Window at == Upper/right of Debug Window
Game Screen Sizing == Strict
IIgame_size == normal
Number of Emulated Gameboys == -Single Machine
Link Gamepaks == Master only (Single Gamepak)
Link Cable Type == -Automatic
(Got this all from configuration file so there may be some extra stuff apart from the options)

If you have any questions, please visit my brother's youtube page at: http://www.youtube.com/user/Asfaha23
he is the foremost expert on Pokemon Heart Gold .

⊰⊱ EYEONAIMAN (Eye On Aiman) ⊰⊱

This video was published on Feb 26, 2013 on our Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/EyeOnAiman. All rights reserved. The link to our original video is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvAD3J2ubLY.
