4 Daily prayers of protection

  • 7 years ago


St. Miguel the Archangel, defend them in the fight.
Be our protection against the wickedness,
and the snares of the Devil.
That God will manifest in you his Power,
it is our humble supplication, and your,
Oh Prince of the Heavenly!,
with the strength that God has bestowed upon you,
I thrust into Hell Satan!,
and the other evil spirits who roam through the world for the perdition of souls.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal!
Have pity and mercy on us and on the whole world.
Amén.(3 times).

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal!
Have pity and mercy on us and on the whole world.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal!
Have pity and mercy on us and on the whole world.

2) Prayer of the believer who repeated with certainty:

God protects the who trust in him.

You who dwell under the shelter of the most High, the shadow of the Almighty, say to the Lord:
my refuge, my refuge, in thee my God, I put my trust.
The you free from the snare of the fowler who seeks to destroy you,
covers you with his wings and will be your plumage your refuge.

You shall not be afraid of the fears of the night,
Neither the arrow fired day,
Neither the plague that proceeds in the darkness,
Neither the plague that strikes in full sun.
Although falling a thousand men at your side,
and ten thousand at your right hand,
you remain out of danger;
their allegiance will shields and protects you.

It is enough that you have your eyes open,
and you will see the punishment of the wicked, you who say:
my refuge is the Lord, and that you make the most high your asylum,
may not the misfortune overwhelm you, nor plague approach thy dwelling,
because he has given his angels the order to protect you in all your ways.
In your hands you will hold,
to not dash your foot against a stone;
tread on snakes and lions,
thou shalt tread the puppies and dragons.

It is my chose, I will deliver him, I will protect him,
well, my Name met.
I will call and I will answer him;
I will be with him in misfortune, will save and exalt him;
satisfy him of days numerous,
and I will be able to see my salvation.


In the Name of the Lord Jesus,
whom we confess as the only Lord and God,
the Word of God made flesh,
Only son has shed his Blood for us,
we pray to you Jesus,
we ask you to protect all of you here present,
don't let any disturbance,
no bondage, no attack.

Mary our good Mother, Queen of Angels, send your Angels to protect us.

Lord Jesus protect us:
ármanos with your armor,
the helmet of Salvation that you have bestowed,
the armor of righteousness, YOUR Justice,
the sash that is your Truth,
we accept with the heart,
the shield of FAITH which is the gift of yours to us.
The sandals of our responzabilización
and delivery by the proclamation of the Good news of peace
and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.

Lord Jesus protect us, ármanos,
we trust in your Victory over the prince of this world,
and we make our own that victory of yours,
and the demand is now for all.
We are confident that the prince of this world has been cast out,
and as the children in the house of his Father,
with full security and trust,
we will not allow any disturbance,
the reject in the Name of the Lord Jesus.

Queen of Heaven and Sovereign Mistress of the Angels,
you've received the power
and the mission to crush the head of Satan,
send us, we beseech you,
your Holy Legions of Angels,
so that under your command,
pursue the enemy that we are near,
reject their attacks dark
and plunge into the abyss.


Lord: our feet come together,
Our hands gather up united,
That our hearts beat in unison,
Our interior feel the same thing,
The thought of our minds be one,
Our ears listen together to the silence,
That our looks into one deeply melting into the a
with the other;
and our lips pray together the Eternal Father to obtain mercy.

(Now continue with some Prayers to cut the negative).


