Minimum wage hike for Venezuela's poor

  • 7 years ago
Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro has raised the country’s minimum wage by 50 percent. He made the announcement while he and his wife attended a gathering of supporters in Caracas.
The move is widely seen by his critics as a bid by the unpopular leader to consolidate his core support among the country’s poor.

“Give me your backing as we create a constituent assembly and I will give you victory over rising prices. Give me the constituent assembly and you will see. We will go to battle over inflation and those criminals who profiteer and perpetuate our problems.

Since April clashes between Opposition protesters and security forces have left at least 80 people dead.
Many who have taken to the streets contend Maduro’s government has become increasingly authoritarian. They have vowed to escalate their opposition leading up to a July 30th election called by Maduro to convene a special assembly that will rewrite the nation’s constitution.
