Part 2 - Treating Epstein Barr Naturally - 7 mistakes

  • 16 years ago
Natural treatments for the epstein barr virus and mononucleosis. Natural therapist, Elizabeth noble, Mistake 4 - Eating the wrong foods. One of the cheapest and easiest way to treat Epstein Barr is with good healthy foods. How well your immune system functions is closely linked to what you eat. If you cram your body with all the wrong foods like sugar, white flour products, processed foods, alcohol, coffee and excess fats then there is no way you are going to make a good recovery from mono. Your body needs the right vitamins, minerals, enzymes and essential fats in order to boost your immune system, reduce fatigue and help your body cope with stress. Mistake 5 - Treating Epstein Barr virus with antibiotics Antibiotics are of no use in the treatment of Epstein Barr virus. Antibiotics are only effective against bacteria not viruses. However - do follow your doctor's advice because you may be subscribed antibiotics for other reasons. Mistake 6 - Not taking the right nutrients to boost your immune system Mistake 7 - Resuming activities too early Getting back into exercise or daily activities too early is a sure fire way to put you back at square one. The best advice I can give here is too take things slowly. Start off with some gentle walking and monitor how your body responds. Remember the Epstein Barr virus is a latent virus, so once you’ve had it, it can reappear if you overstress your body or do too much. I hope this information helps you in your recovery from Epstein Barr. More details can be found in my e-book “Nature’s Amazing Mononucleosis Cures“.


