- North media that can be instantly scorched earth of the Japan
North Korea's media intimidated 'It has the ability to instantly scorch Japan.' In the commentary announced on 9th, North Korea Central News Agency reported on the idea to consider strengthening the missile defense system including the possession of 'enemy base attacking capability' with Defense Minister Onodera in mind of North Korea, Criticized as 'a pledge to advance the SDF into the Korean Peninsula with the pretense of the threat of Korea as an excuse.'
'And' I am trying to re-invade re-invasion to Asia 'and emphasize the development of North Korea's nuclear weapons. 'I longed to have the ability to make the Japanese archipelago quickly scorch if it cares about it.' If
Japan makes a noise, 'I should know that the Japanese archipelago is entirely buried in the Pacific Ocean.'
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North Korea's media intimidated 'It has the ability to instantly scorch Japan.' In the commentary announced on 9th, North Korea Central News Agency reported on the idea to consider strengthening the missile defense system including the possession of 'enemy base attacking capability' with Defense Minister Onodera in mind of North Korea, Criticized as 'a pledge to advance the SDF into the Korean Peninsula with the pretense of the threat of Korea as an excuse.'
'And' I am trying to re-invade re-invasion to Asia 'and emphasize the development of North Korea's nuclear weapons. 'I longed to have the ability to make the Japanese archipelago quickly scorch if it cares about it.' If
Japan makes a noise, 'I should know that the Japanese archipelago is entirely buried in the Pacific Ocean.'
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