Report: Advisory Forum Members Had Decided To Disband Before Trump's Tweet

  • 7 years ago
President Trump is being called out for announcing the end of two business-related councils even though the members of one had already reportedly agreed to disband the group and the other was experiencing a mass defection.

President Trump is being called out for announcing the end of two business-related councils even though the members of one had already reportedly agreed to disband the group and the other was experiencing a mass defection.
The president tweeted Wednesday, “Rather than putting pressure on the businesspeople of the Manufacturing Council & Strategy & Policy Forum, I am ending both. Thank you all!”
However, according to the New York Times, the forum was effectively ended Wednesday after its members decided "to abandon the group altogether" during a morning call. 
One CEO has been quoted as saying, “There really was nothing to debate.” 
The Wall Street Journal reports the president was informed of their decision and he then issued his tweet. 
Meanwhile, the Times report says that the manufacturing council was planning to have a similar call before Trump announced he was dissolving it. 
The head of Dow Chemical, Andrew Liveris, has since issued a statement on behalf of the group, saying, “Every member of the Manufacturing Jobs Initiative condemns racism and bigotry, and there cannot be moral ambiguity around the driving forces of the events in Charlottesville. Disbanding the Manufacturing Jobs Initiative was the right decision.” 
According to CNBC, “The events mark the biggest falling out yet between Trump and corporate America, which largely cheered his pro-business stances when he took office.”