• 8 years ago
13.Wong's Prediction Technology: How to distinguish False Christ and genuine Christ by mathematics ?:

Description: John Wong's Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (PT&FM):
The first Anti-Christ emerged in A.D.2005. The second Anti-Christ emerged in A.D.2012. The third Anti-Christ will emerge in A.D.2019. The fourth Anti-Christ will emerge in A.D.2026. The fifth Anti-Christ will emerge in A.D.2033. The sixth Anti-Christ will emerge in A.D.2040. The seventh Anti-Christ with name number equals 666 will emerge in A.D.2047. Two genuine Prophets of God Jehovah also appears in A.D.2047 to evangelize against Islam for 3.5 years. Satan will be cast down from heaven and will fall into the atmosphere of the Earth with his followers (evil angels) in A.D.2050. False Prophet will emerge in A.D.2050. Jesus Christ with His 144000 Jewish soldiers will descend onto the Earth on Thur., 17th Dec., A.D.2054. Jesus Christ will establish Millennium Kingdom on Sun., 27th Dec., A.D.2055.

Tags: God Jehovah, Jesus Christ, Daniel Seventy Weeks, Leviticus Golden Jubilee, Revelation Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets, Satan, Great Red Dragon, Atonement Day, Wye River Memorandum, Yasser Arafat, Ismail Haneya, Hamas, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Islam State, Jerusalem, Holy Covenant 1998, Persian King Cyprus, Arta Xerxes, Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Millennium Kingdom, Israel restoration, Palestinian National Authority, Great Tribulation, global nuclear war, end of the world, False God 666, False Prophet, False Christ, John Wong, Wong Chung kai (黃仲佳).

Dailymotion websites: http://www.dailymotion.com/wck_john

YouTube websites: http://www.youtube.com/wongchungkai

John Wong's Quantum Horoscopy Technology (QHT): http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ptmae

Establish Mighty Army by PT&FM: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/digitaltroop

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/eprophecies

The Mystery of Holy Bible Fans Club: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Jesus2054comes

5th Middle East War: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/5thMiddleEastWar2034e

The Mystery of Holy Bible (Author: John Wong): http://www.dailymotion.com/wongchungkai

John Wong's Prediction Technology & Forensic Mathematics (PT&FM) website: http://ptfm.orgfree.com

Contact E-mail: wck_john@yahoo.com.hk

Skype: wck_john@hotmail.com


