2.John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science (JWUBPS) Post Doctoral degree level: Human Universe from Start to End (A.D.2054)

  • 6 years ago
God's Golden Jubilee Creation Formula: BC=5131x50^(8-n) –m. `BC' is creation year in B.C. `n' is Day of God's creation. `m' is the end year of God's Millennium Kingdom (A.D.2055-A.D.3054). That is, m=3054. When n=1, BC=5,131x50^(8-1) -3054. BC=4,008,593,749,996,946. God created light in 4,008,593,749,996,946 B.C. God created light (material universe) by enormous power of Holy Spirit and water in 4,008,593,749,996,946 B.C. The process of God creating light is like putting potassium, figurative Holy Spirit, on the surface of a huge water sphere. In the chemical process, it produces light, heat, thunders, steam and water vapour. For approximation, we can say our material universe was created four thousand and nine trillion years from now. When n=2, BC=5,131x50^(8-2) -3054. BC=80,171,874,996,946. God created firmament full of steam & water vapour (air) in 80,171,874,996,946 B.C. The cosmic space formed by air diffusion is called `heaven'. I call the core of the universe which remains a huge water sphere as `earth'. Due to enormous gravity extrusion in the core of the universe, nuclear fusion occurs. It creates elements heavier than hydrogen and helium, such as carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, which can form organic matter and later heavier elements such as phosphorous, silicon and iron are also formed. The raw human universe before the `Big Bang' is gradually formed. When n=3, BC=5,131x50^(8-3) -3054. BC=1,603,437,496,946. The solid surface (dry land) began to expose from the molten surface (sea) on the core of the universe. God created dry land and sea in 1,603,437,496,946 B.C. In this process, plant organism genetic codes (DNA) were also created and concealed in the core of the universe. Thus, amino acid which is an organic substance exists initially in every sun, moon and star which are created in the next day of God. This is the reason why God created plants before our planet appears. Human beings do not understand the Holy Bible. In fact, except the creation of wise man and woman, Adam and Eve, all living things on the earth are originated from DNA. When n=4, BC=5,131x50^(8-4) -3054. BC=32,068,746,946. God created the sun, moon and stars in 32,068,746,946 B.C. The core of the universe remained as a huge terrestrial-like spherical solid (land and sea) about 18.4 billion years before it exploded like a big bang. The cosmic spherical solid explosion eventually formed galaxies, sun, moon and star in 13,668,746,946 B.C. The boundary of this human material universe is the space in any place when the velocity (v) of the sun, moon and stars move outward reaching the velocity of light (c). Any space at or beyond the boundary of the universe is the place of God where the mass of any object is either infinitive or indeterminate. In other words, any object moving with velocity (v) less than the velocity of light belongs to human universe (material world).

John Wong's University of Biblical Prophecy Science (JWUBPS) website: http://ptfm.orgfree.com/holybible


