Movement for Justice in El Barrio

  • 16 years ago
Gentrification is forging throughout the five boroughs of New York City. Spanish Harlem is this latest ethnic enclave to suffer from this assault. As the displacement of families and business grow, so is the vocal opposition to denounce this economic ethnic cleansing. Movement for Justice in the Barrio is a grassroots organization comprised of new immigrants from Latin countries and low-income people of color. MJB is fighting the sell-out politicians who have failed to protect their constituents and challenging developers who are amassing buildings for more upscale renovation. In a show of solidarity, MJB pledged to join other community groups to defeat the battle of eminent domain. We know that Melissa Mark Viverito claims to be anti-displacement, but we have seen time and again that, despite empty words and media stunts, when it comes down to the moments in which she actually
exercises her power in the form of votes in the Council, she votes against the people and for displacement. In addition, she exposed her attitude towards her community very clearly as she collaborated
in an unusual show of force against a public made up predominantly of people of color. We will not buy into her efforts to trick the people while she gives Harlem away to corporations and slumlords! We will never forget her votes in favor of displacement in West, Central and East Harlem!
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