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This is a video on how to perform a fory restore on a Asus Transformer TF100 Tablet running Windows 8.\r
Disclaimer - A fory data reset both hard or soft will erase all of your personal information on your device and return it to its out of the box state. You are doing this fory data wipe/reset on your device at your own risk. We are not responsible for any problems or technical difficulties caused from trying these techniques.
Visit our website: \r
This is a video on how to perform a fory restore on a Asus Transformer TF100 Tablet running Windows 8.\r
Disclaimer - A fory data reset both hard or soft will erase all of your personal information on your device and return it to its out of the box state. You are doing this fory data wipe/reset on your device at your own risk. We are not responsible for any problems or technical difficulties caused from trying these techniques.