Tillerson raps Iran for "not meeting expectations" around nuclear deal

  • 7 years ago
With the fallout from President Trump’s speech at the UN General Assembly still hanging over their heads a clutch of foreign ministers from Germany, France, China, Iran and the EU, among others, met to discuss Iran’s nuclear agreement, with America’s Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

.JZarif meets #Tillerson, P5+1 representatives over #JCPOAhttps://t.co/gQviwFZotr#Iran #IranDeal #UNGA72 #UNGA2017 pic.twitter.com/JZJJsEz4Qn— Iran (Iran) 21 septembre 2017

It was Tillerson’s first meeting with Iran’s Mohammad Javad Zarif, the highest-level meeting between the two nations since Donald Trump became president. Tillerson questioned Iran’s role in the Syrian, Iraqi and Yemeni conflicts.

“We believe they’re now looking more carefully and seriously at that as a means to push back on this other behavior of Iran that they agree with us is just simply unacceptable,” he said.

Destruction of #JCPOA by “rogue” newcomers to the world of politics will never impede Iran’s course of progress and advancement. #UNGA— Hassan Rouhani (@HassanRouhani) 20 septembre 2017

The EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, insists that both Europe and the International Atomic Energy Agency agree Iran is sticking to the deal.

“There is no need to renegotiate part of the agreement because the agreement is concerning a nuclear programme, and as such, it’s delivering. We all agreed on the fact that there is no violation, that the nuclear programme-related aspects – which is all the agreement – are being fulfilled”, she insisted.

‘The real danger is that Trump’s bellicose approach will lead to more nuclear proliferation not less’ #NuclearBan https://t.co/zi5KgayG6P— CND (@CNDuk) 20 septembre 2017

But for America Iran is “not meeting the deal’s expectations”. Washington may have thought it would usher in more regional co-operation, which it clearly has not, but then that was not part of the deal.

.POTUS made his disdain for the #IranDeal clear; it’s on life support and I’d be stunned if we stayed in it after his #UNGA speech.— John Bolton (AmbJohnBolton) 20 septembre 2017


