Trial of Cumhuriyet staff resumes in Turkey

  • 7 years ago
The trial of 20 executives and journalists from Turkish daily Cumhuriyet, including the editor-in-chief, a lead reporter, columnist and a cartoonist resumes on Monday in Istanbul.

All the defendants in the case, which has been criticised by domestic and international media freedom groups, are being tried on terror charges.

“Unfortunately the situation is worse and worse, month after month, and Erdogan succeeded to supress pluralism and the free press in this country,” said Peoples Republican Party member Baris Yarkadas.

At the last hearing on Sept. 11, the accused once again rejected the accusations, which include “being a member of terror organization” and of having links to the network of U.S.-based Islamic preacher Fethullah Gülen, widely believed to have masterminded the failed July 2016 coup.
