• 8 years ago
Hi friends,
After thinking for many weeks to get you something new and unique..
I finally got you which I thing which is new for your understanding
please keep me motivated I will try to get unique topic
here is my list for you..which I think which is the fastest fish on earth

1. Black marlin
Maximum speed: 129km/h
Range: Australian coast and tropical Indo-Pacific
2. Sailfish
Maximum speed: 110km/h
Range: Indian and Pacific Oceans
3. Striped marlin
Maximum speed: 80km/h
Range: Tropical and temperate regions of Indo-Pacific Ocean
4. Wahoo
Maximum speed: 78km/h
Range: Tropical and sub-tropical waters around the world
5. Mako shark
Maximum speed: 74km/h
Range: Tropical to temperate waters worldwide
6. Atlantic bluefin tuna
Maximum speed: 70km/h
Range: Open waters of the Atlantic Ocean
7. Blue shark
Maximum speed: 69km/h
Range: Deep waters of temperate and tropical oceans
8= Bonefish
Maximum speed: 64km/h
Range: Shallow, inshore tropical waters
9= Swordfish
Maximum speed: 64km/h
Range: Tropical and temperate waters of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific
10. Fourwing flying fish

Maximum speed: 56km/h
Range: Subtropical waters of the Atlantic and Pacific

