• 8 years ago
10 Largest Aquariums in the World
The most common size for a home aquarium tank is probably 29 or 30 gallon, though some aquarists have constructed aquariums of many thousands of gallons. Public aquariums can be dramatically larger than any home aquarium. But only a few are big enough to make it to our list of largest aquariums in the world. The kind of aquarium that can hold whale sharks and manta rays. It takes a very large tank to hold these kind of aquatic creatures.
In order to compare these large aquariums we have looked at the size of their biggest tank (in gallons). Most aquariums have several tanks and the combined volume of water can be much larger but it is only the largest aquarium tank that is counted. So here’s a list of the largest aquariums in the world.
10. quarium of Western Australia (0,8 million gallons)
9. Aquarium of Genoa (about 1 million gallons)
8. Shanghai Ocean Aquarium (about 1 million gallons)
7. uShaka Marine World (about 1 million gallons)
6. Monterey Bay Aquarium (1,2 million gallons)
5. Turkuazoo (1,32 million gallons)
4. L'Oceanografic (1,85 million gallons)
3. Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium (1,98 million gallons)
2. Dubai Mall Aquarium (2,64 million gallons)
1. Georgia Aquarium (6,3 million gallons)

