• 8 years ago
Just rewatched the Ep and it was very good. ^^ However Twi has never met Iron Will, that we've seen, so why was she so shocked? Star Tracker...oh sweet mother of Celestia there will be so many shipping art and stories I can't even progress...eh better than BLOODY TIMBER I'll give him that. Overall this Ep had a good moral and it was good to see the parents given actual characters.

Their VAs were changed btw, unsure why. Flurry Heart was cute as always and turns out Cadance was hiding her forehead to cancel out her magic...makes sense, Sweetie did something similar to Rarity. Iron Will, he now has a no refund clause. XD Can we still say he was a good character and business guy that made a promise and thus had to keep it? Idk, he seems more greedy and him changing his business to "no refunds" paints him just as bad as Flim and Flam were.

But maybe not, it was good to see him again tho. ^^ And at least he said what the getaway was about but the parents just didn't fully read. Now, just Scootaloo's family remains...

P.S I just love Twi's mom, we NEED her and RD/AJ together. X3 But seriously Star Tracker step back before you get banished. I also had done a clip of Iron Will with the GLORIOUS theme but....copywrite would be so mega hard on that one. X3

