Person Opens A Real Portal Dimension In His Bedroom For Real Aswell

  • 7 years ago
This guy actually opens a dimensional portal in his bedroom and this is apparently real? It was done using sound waves and frequencies. Apparently the hertz frequency is at a point where if joined with another frequency at another specific frequency and on together using this guys device in his bedroom it opens a stargate, dimensional multi universe portal type doorway into another reality or another point in time? I call real on this one because some scientists have come forward saying the thing in that tube on his bed is a crystal and with everything said and done, it is highly possible to do this? Why the heck isn't CERN the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland Geneva going knocking on this guys door asking for the secrets to the universe, you know instead of spending Billions of Dollars on Big Bang, Black Hole collider type stuff? This guy opened a dimensional portal on a shoe string budget in his bedroom! Go figure that one out then? But what a cool story this is, that's why I had to bring this news story to you all?


